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Sargent stick-up-his-ass gave the students a sweeping glance. He hasn't stopped pacing since he's begun talking and I'm starting to think that he just doesn't know how to stop. Such a tragic fate...cursed to walk forever but never make it very far!! Oh the horror!!


Just kidding, this guy looks like Kronk, sounds like Kronk, but doesn't have the flowing, black locks or stunning personality to match. Therefore, for thwarting my expectations I've decided he's second best for now....even if I've only met two teachers so far so I guess he's also last, poor guy.

After he circled us like a vulture a few times he made his was back to the board where he wrote down names in pairs. I was up against someone I hadn't heard of (which wasn't saying much considering I only knew Charlotte) so I couldn't really take part in everyone's excited or nervous rambling. I glanced at Charlotte who looked pretty confident so she must be up against someone she knows of.

With only fifty names on the board I couldn't help but wonder who the remaining name was. Luckily for me, my mind is so powerful that it instantly noticed a short boy with blond hair that can only be described as floppy. He had a look on his face that oozed confidence and looked exactly like the kind of person I'd love to smack. I don't condone violence or anything, but it can be excused if the person's an ass. He hadn't been paying attention from the start and didn't seem to care about what his friends were talking about, probably because they weren't paying attention to him. Since he was the only one besides me and Charlotte not talking about our pair it could only be him. Or another option could be that I'm insane and need to stop judging people....probably the latter.

The chatter was hushed by a few brief barks from sir woofs-a-lot and everyone fell back into their orderly positions.

"I expect order from my students!" He yelled, ensuring that the front row will be deaf before they're thirty. "Anyone who fails to uphold this simple request will find themselves sleeping in area 6H for the remainder of their stay."

Judging from the reactions of my fellow knights in training, I'm gonna guess that that's a bad thing... Most of them went pale, while one particular boy in the back row hugged himself, muttering something along the lines of, "Im too pretty to die" and "the plays lied, the lions didn't sing and dance."

As Mr still-don't-know-his-name called on the first pair the rest of us sat on the short grass by the makeshift arena. Since I have to sit through seventeen eye gougingly boring fights before something interesting happened, I embrace my inner cottagecore hoe and made matching flower crowns for me and the squad, even if the squad was just the two of us it's still a squad in my eyes!

Every so often I'd glance up and catch a glimpse of the pairs and the more I'd watch the more impressed I'd become. Not of my classmates, oh god no. They had no idea what they were doing, it's like giving knives to toddlers and having them fight to the death. Wait...that would actually be pretty interesting, but that's beside the point.

I was impressed by captain who-the-fuck and his ability to assess the students in only a glance. All of the battles so far have been evenly matched even if there's a clear skill gap in half of the class. It's getting me excited about who I'll be facing. If they're a real challenge and I'm somehow defeated, then the arrogance which I've developed from knowing everything about people I've never met isn't going to handle this well.

"Hey, Charlotte." I spoke as I placed the crown on her head, " What's up with Mr borderline-psycho?"

"Hm? Oh, you mean sir Walko?" Her serious facade crumbled slightly, "He used to be one of the royal knights but...." she paused for a moment, carefully considering her words, "he was quite...brutal on the new knights in the palace."

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