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My name is Lillian Snow, and I am the first and only daughter of the Snow family. To preserve my family name I must be the best and have the best, and I'm willing to do anything to not disappoint my elders. That being said I've never wanted to disobey my parents more than ever right now.

I'm currently being sent off to meet my potential fiance Prince Edward Alern, the second Prince of the kingdom. Even if he's the crown Prince there is still no way I want to marry someone I've never met! Maybe if I throw a big enough tantrum they'll let me out of this...

...however I'm supposed to fight for the best.

I sigh out loud, drumming my fingers along my velvet seat. The dirt road below us makes the carriage to sway back and forth, giving me some minor motion sickness.

This isn't going to be easy is it? I've managed to get away with destroying my chances of marriage with any other candidate so far. But it's not going to be so easy this time considering this is "the best" my parents told me to strive for. It doesn't help that all the complaining I've done in recent years has utterly ruined my reputation as a lady. I doubt there's anyone out there still willing to give me a shot. Maybe if I'm fast enough I can run into the surrounding forest and hide it out. I haven't seen any dangerous wild animals around here so it should be fine.

The carriage came to an abrupt halt. The sound of hooves no longer filling my ears.

This is odd, we're no where near our destination. The city is still quite far from here. I should go and check with the knights.

Just as my hand touched the door handle I could hear the voice of a man barking orders. It's not a voice I recognise from our family knights. They can't be... how many of them are there? If they were able to take down a group of well trained men, who knows how good they are...

Whether they're well trained or they just have an advantage in numbers, it's within my best interest to stay in the carriage. Hopefully they just leave me be.

More yelling? I wish I could make out what hey were saying.

Suddenly the carriage took off again, throwing me against the floor. Wobbling onto my feet I grabbed hold of the curtains. We're going much faster than we were before, this clearly isn't the work of one of our men. Their first priority was my safety, there's no way they would risk it by speeding this fast. Wait, is that smoke!? Oh god I'm so screwed, if I can't get out of here I'll be burning alive before I know it.


Is someone trying to get my attention, how are they outside the carriage?

Risking it I peeked through the curtains. However what I saw was unexpected. A child around my age was riding along side my carriage. They seem distracted, but this looks like my only option.

Taking a deep breath I flung open the carriage door before throwing myself out of it, arms first. I resisted the urge to close my eyes from fear and instead reached for the hand of the child. I felt myself make contact and before I could register what was happening I found myself on the horse, sitting in front of my saviour.

I going to cry, that was way too scary...

Watching the carriage ride away, I couldn't help but feel a little sad,
"The horses..." I muttered under my breath, not realising the person behind me had heard.

In a confident voice they replied, "I'll go looking for them later, my first priority is to get you back safe."

The way they conducted themself surprised me. Acting like a true knight, risking their life to save a fair maiden- wait, what am i thinking!? Aah, this is embarrassing, I hope whoever this is can't read my mind... hey you, if you can read my mind say something.

The Villainess is Too Cute!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें