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Heyyy~ sooo welcome back to my eternal suffering, I've got some good news and bad news. I would ask which one you want first but I'm pretty sure the whole talking to myself thing is starting to freak out mother. So I'll keep this short and sweet, well I'll try to anyway. Chances are I'll go off in a rant again so buckle up buckos this is going to me an emotional rollercoaster.

Ok, good news is they do have an equivalent to hunters here, yayyy! There's a hunters guild in town. From the information I got from the staff it sounds like it's everything I thought it would be, missions, bar fights, trouble in general, everything I'm looking for really. Well, except....

I squinted at the flyer in my hands just to make sure I was seeing this bullshit correctly,
"Come down to Havarah hall,
Become a hunter,
Pave your own path"
That part is fine, I little cheesy but who am I to judge. The part that pisses me off is,
"Women need not apply"
In tiny shitting writing!

I thought I couldn't hate this hell scape any more than I already did, but would you look at that, I'm in awe of this sexist goddamn world!

Ok, chill for a second and think about this. Can I just stroll up to this guild and ask to join, no. Can I demand to join with threats of violence, probably but I'd also get arrested. Can I dress up as a boy and fake it for the foreseeable future, no because even if it works in every cliche story ever that would be really hard to pull off. What would happen when I got older, my voice wouldn't drop and since I'm the heroine I'm obviously going to have unrealistic animeish proportions.

So what will I do you ask? Simple, blackmail.

I know I know, not very 'pure of heart' of me, but I can't help it. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I need to level up my ability to fight so I can level up my ability to protect Lillian from any harm. Oh... calling her by her first name so casually, not Madame or Miss Snow, made my heart jump a bit. Alright, new determination to make this work!

I strutted towards my mother sitting in the drawing room, with such swagger I expected funky jazz music to come on. Instead I got my favourite song 'tripping and almost falling on my face' by May, featuring the maid who caught me. I owe her my life.

After a pleasant discussion with my mother, me bringing up the extra money she spent on baby clothes even though we don't have a baby, her hysterically crying and asking me not to tell father. Apparently she just thinks baby clothes are super cute and she likes to coo over all the "wittle shoes". Then I left her behind to begin phase two (with slightly less swagger this time, I didn't want to fall over plus mothers crying made me uncomfortable..)

In my hands was a letter, which was essentially a permission slip for a school trip. Except there was no school and the trip was to a tavern filled with drunken ruffians. Speaking of school, I haven't seen that stuck up tutor in a while, something about finding me harder things to do. As much as I hate him you begin to get used to the constant whining. He still hates my guts though, always saying things like "god you're so insufferable", "I'd throw you off the roof if I wasn't getting paid", "how are you outside my window? It's 4am and this is the 3rd floor!". Great guy honestly.

With my new note I sneakily climbed out the window, which now that I think about it was kinda unnecessary since the front door was wide open. Once outside I tore down the country path towards town, maybe I should've brought a horse or something, I have to practice  for when I'm older. After all I want to first see my love when I'm on top of my noble steed, brandishing my sword, fighting for her hand!

Anyway, right, no distractions. Making my way towards the Havarah hall, I took in my surroundings. The town (of which I don't know the name) was bustling with residents and travellers alike. Giving no concern to others as they went about their day. Stores of all kinds lined he street as the upper class weaved their way through the crowds. This isn't where I have to be though.

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