Chapter {1}

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This is new. Well, not really. I have been given birth to before, it's just not something people usually remember. Not that I can remember much of anything anyway. Damn it, i got my hopes up. I thought I'd be able to float around in peace for the rest of eternity, but nope. I just had to go and be reborn.

At least my parents look friendly enough, they look pretty average though. Guess I won't be a looker in this life either. I assume I wasn't all too good looking in my past life, since I spent all day everyday inside playing games. I didn't look after myself well, did I.

You've got to be kidding me, I thought what ever higher being that sent me here would give me a freebie and let me understand these people. Sadly, I've got no idea what they're talking about. I don't even recognise the language, this is gonna be a bother.

For now I'll just try to look cute, maybe I can get them to spoil me so I won't have to try too hard later on. Yes, yes, my master plan is coming together. Hey, for a new born I'm pretty smart.

Look at them, already wrapped around my tiny little baby finger....or not. They're looking at me like I'm a freak, well excuse you. I suppose it's weird, a new born that isn't crying. I will not stoop to that level! I swear if they try anything to make me cry I'll-
Not.Cool. Take my glare of death you uncivilized scum. Fine I'll cry if it amuses you so much, don't think you're getting away with this though.

Hmm, now that I take a better look at this place it looks pretty cool. I don't seem to be in a hospital, it's more like a bedroom. This while room looks very familiar, have I been here before?

What's this? A present, for me? Oh you shouldn't have dad. No really you shouldn't have, I know exactly what this is from. Of course I do, it's all that's left of my memories. This is the necklace the heroine wears in "My Love, Mega!". This has to be a coincedence right? Maybe my parents are just fans of the game. But no, that wouldn't make sense. Everything around me is all old and medieval-ish. No sign of technology anywhere.

Uh oh, I'm in trouble. Does this mean I'm now the protagonist of the game. AGH, this would be so much easier if I could understand what they were saying! Do I sound frustrated cause guess what, I'm frustrated! Don't get me wrong, this would be an amazing expirience for anyone but me, and trust me I like hunky otome boys as much as the next person. However these particular boys are piles of human garbage!

Ok breathe, just gotta breathe. This could go down in history as the world's quickest panic attack. I'm only a few minutes old and I'm having a crisis! I just have to look for a silver lining. I can use rare magic now, I guess that's cool. Uh, well this is tricky. Living in a society with no technology and only a basic understanding of medicine is going to be tough.

Oh! How could I forget. My sweet, sweet villainess. I'll finally be able so spend some time with her. I'll make her lunch and feed it to her, while we sit in a valley of flowers watching clouds go by. Aahh, I feel relaxed just thinking about it.

If I follow the plot of the game I won't be able to meet her until I'm fifteen though. No, this isn't a time for being pessimistic. I can use this time to get stronger to protect her from that bad ending. But how...

Ah ha, a knight. I'll become her personal knight. It shouldn't be a problem since I'm now the daughter of a Baron. Even if my status is the lowest of the low I'll be able to build it up! In the game the heroine's dad is actually the kings most trusted friend. But I'd rather not use that title, it would definitely attract too much attention.

For now I'll work hard to secure my position as her knight. I'll study hard to not be an embarrassment to her and start physical training as soon as I can walk. With the help of my cliche op heroine powers I'll overcome any obstacle keeping us apart, be it Prince or dragon you shall all fall to the power of our love.
Oops, I think I laughed out loud. I promise mum and dad, I'm not a crazy person.

All this thinking and plan making has made me tired. I suppose I could take full advantage of this being a baby situation and just sleep for a few days. After all there's not much I can do right now but wait. I'll need to make a mental checklist. Fist on the list learn their language.
Scratch that, first on the list is to get some sleep. Actual work can wait, for now I'll just enjoy some pampering, before working hard for the rest of my life. I'm determined to be the best so she'll pick me and recognise my strength!

Prepare yourself Lillian, your knight is shining armour is coming!

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