Chapter {3}

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I know it's hard to believe but maybe I expected too much from this game. Sure it's cliche and cheesy, but this is just too far. I mean, what the hell is the actual crown Prince in my house. I thought I could spend these first few years in peace. Yeah apparently not. I swear if I ever meet the creator of that stupid game I'll show them the true meaning of fear.

I'm currently sitting across from Edward Alern, the "princely" character of this game. Don't get me wrong I can clearly see that even as a child he's unnaturally handsome, but that's part of the main reason I feel so disgusted.

"Are you quite alright May?" I hear him ask.

Stupid Prince, stupid plot, stupid everything! Why can I be drinking tea with my love. Instead I've got this cookie cutter Prince with zero flaws! Sigh, guess I should deal with this.

I put on my business smile and quickly nod.

"Yes your highness. In fact I'm having a wonderful time with you."

Ew, I think I just gave myself a toothache with that sweet response. Oh well, at least he seems happy with my reply.

"Hmm, it seems the rumours around you are indeed true my lady. For a young girl of your age you certainly do have an elegant disposition." The Prince replied after a moment of thought.'re literally only a year older than me, I swear this guy's running on two brain cells. You're trying to tell me that this is one only this centuries geniuses? Dream on. Wait, I'm getting distracted again, last time this happened I missed critical information from my dad about this visit, I should focus.

"May I inquire as to why your highness has blessed my humble family and I with his presence?" I asked, sweetly tilting my head.

The prince's cheeks flush pink momentarily before he clears his throat and begins to speak again.

"My father wishes for me to make allies that will aid me later on in life, so he's sending me around all the noble houses to make frie-, ahem, sorry allies."

Wow, kid. That's a new type of sad. A Prince like this with no friends, ouch. Well it's hard to feel bad for him considering I hate his very being, but it's not all bad half becomes friends with the other capture targets anyway.

"I will gladly come to your highness' side if ever he need me."

The Prince grinned back at me with the brightness of a thousand suns and I swear I saw flowers sprouting behind him. I only just managed to conceal the irritation on my face before he opened his eyes again.

"In that case, you no longer need to call me "Your highness". Please, call me Edward."

What about what I said made you think o wanted to befriend you. I've been nothing but polite but that's to be expected, I don't want to be executed before I meet the love of my life! I have to shake this off, I cannot become his friend!

"But your highness, I dare not. I fear I'd be disrespecting yourself as well as the kingdom ad a whole."

Aha! Take that, the power of acting! It's a good thing I'm not actually a child or I wouldn't have been able to deny him. There is no way I'm letting him worm his way into my life.

The Prince had a dejected look on his face, before he suddenly brightened.

Oh no

My whole life went in slow motion, the movement of his lips seeming to move at a snail's pace as he said the words I feared the most.

"It's an order."

Oh for-

Is this kid really that desperate for friends, or is it the universe's sick way of making me follow the plot. What do I do now? Try and get him to hate me? No, he could just banish me or something. Just straight up refuse him? That's an even worse idea! Just.....accept it? Sigh, I guess that's my best option for now. I suppose I can always just make excuses as to why I can't meet with him.

"If that is what your highness desires then I shall happily comply."

Edward clears his throat, and raises an expectant eyebrow.

Jeez, this guy. Did he ever act like this in the game? I guess he is a child after all, maybe he properly grows into his princely personality. Now that I think about it, a kid acting like that is pretty creepy.

"Sorry, Edward." I reluctantly spat out.

The Prince had a satisfied smile on his face, then rose from his chair.

"Then if you'll allow me to finish this meeting here. I'll be seeing you soon, May."

I rose to see him off, but he quickly strode over to me taking my hand in his, before placing a gentalmanly kiss on the back of it. He looked back up at he showing me his world famous smile, before leaving me alone, stunned.

Who, who thought that child to act like that!? Who ever they are they're a bad influence. Well I can tolerate actions like that since they're supposed to be considered normal. At least now that he's gone I can finally concentrate.

I began to think of a plan to eliminate any possibility of him falling for the heroine, even just by accident. I continued to think as my father called me for dinner and I sat at the table with my parents. At this point I'd been pondering for around an hour before I smacked my fist off the table and yelled,

"Of course!"

My parents both gave me strange looks before my mother asked.

"Got what, sweetie?"

My face became flushed from embarrassment before I excused myself from the table. I only day my their smug faces as I left the room. Really make you wonder what they were talking about before I shouted out. Oh well, I can wonder another time, I have to write my plas as soon as possible.

I dashed into my room, grabbing a book and pen, before scribbling down the bold letters in my book,

Plan A: Friendzone

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