E Pluribis Unum

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"It can't be good for her to be in there this long." Mike said pacing in front of Els bedroom door. She had been gone for a bit now, putting all her power and focus in trying to find, someone, anyone, but for hours she's had no hope.

"Mike, you need to relax." Max told him.

"What if she gets brain damage or something?"

"Oh shit, is that, like, a real thing?" Lucas said with his hand stuffed into a box of cereal.

"No, it's not. He made it up. Mike doesn't know what the hell he's talking about." Max snarked.

"Oh, and you do?" The two escalated and broke out into an argument. Nearby in the kitchen Nancy tried her hardest to block out the teens as she spoke on the phone.

"Yes from the Hawkins post, I-I called a couple days ago about the-Yes, yes, umm...I was just...following up to see if anything else went missing, or if-okay. I'm sorry to bother-" The person on the other end hung up causing the brunette to sigh. She hung up the phone and approached the counter where Jonathan stood.

"Anything?" He asked, she went to open her mouth but was interrupted by Mike and Max, the two coming up to her for answers.

"Okay, can you guys settle an argument for us? Who do you think should decide Els limits? Mike? Or Eleven?" Max asked.

"The way you frame that is such bullshit." Mike snarked.

"It's not bullshit Mike, this is your whole problem! And it's also precisely the reason she dumped your ass!"

"Wait, El dumped you?" Nancy questioned turning to her brother.

"Yeah, because she is conspiring her against me! She's corrupting her!"

"No, enlightening her. The fact is, she's not yours, she's her own person, fully capable of making her own decisions!" Max said.

"She's risking her life for no reason!"

"For no reason? Mike, the flayed are out there doing god knows what." Nancy said.

"Killing, flaying..." Lucas added.

"Transforming into monsters." Will said

"And Els not stupid, she knows her ability better than any of us." Nancy pointed out.

"Exactly! Thank you." Max said

"And she is her own person."


"With her own free will."

"Exactly! El has saved the world twice and Mike still doesn't trust her."

"You wanna talk about trust, really? After you made Eleven spy on us?!"

"Wait what?" Lucas questioned.

"Oh she didn't tell you this?! Max used Els powers to spy on us!"

"No, no, no, no. I did not make her, it was her idea! Why are we even talking about this, seriously?!"

"Yeah, who cares?" Will stepped in. He was less trying to help out and trying more to get the whole thing to stop before it got too far.

"I care, cause I guess girls don't lie they spy!"

"We were just joking around!"

"Wouldn't it have been so funny if I was taking a massive shit or something?!"

"You weren't!"

"But what if I was?!"

"Then gross! You're disgusting!"

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