✧ Chapter 21 ✧

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It was the only word capable of describing how you felt at that moment. You were shaking, couldn't breath and just wanted to see and hold him.

You felt tears about to spill, but sucked it up, only enough to call Jimin.

"J– Jimin?"

"Woah Y/N, did something happen?"

"I- I need to go to the, Hoseok, he, I just–"

"What? Calm down a little and tell me what happened?"

"Hoseok!! I- I don't know what happened, I just- we need to go to the hospital?" You finally broke down in sobs, hugging your knees tightly.

"What!? Is he alright?" Jimin said, clearly worried about his hyung.

"We were on the phone and I heard a car crash on the other side, Jimin!"

"Just hold on!! I'll be there in a minute, to take you to the hospital."

You waited and paced around. Eventually, you ended up taking some pills to calm your nerves down.

You felt like you wanted to throw up, break down and cry, and pass out, all at the same time. What if you weren't so mean this morning, would he have stayed, and nothing happened. Or would you two go out for a drive, and then would both end up at the hospital?

Jimin came rushing, he didn't even care about properly parking the car. You ran and as soon as you got inside the car he hugged you.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, he's strong!"

"I hope so too"

Jimin stepped on gas, and wasted no time getting to the hospital. He was careful nonetheless, last thing he needed was to die on his way to visit his best friend at the hospital.

After parking, you both rushed through the hospital. The receptionist didn't really want to let you in, since you weren't immediate family, but eventually gave in, and told you his door number.

You took the stairs since, let's be honest, 90% of the time it is faster anyways, and ran to his room.

When you saw him laying down you quickly went down to hug him. His eyes were closed, and you thought he was unconscious, when you felt a hand touch your back.

You looked up at him, and sure enough, his sweet brown eyes were looking down at you, while softly smiling.

"You're ok!?"

"Yeah, just some bruises and stuff. Luckily I've got no internal blessing, but they want to keep me in observation, just to make sure"

"I thought I'd lost you!" You said, burying your face in his chest, happy to feel his scent and his warmth once again.

"I thought I had lost you too" Hobi said, running a hand through your hair.


You gasped and paralyzed. It was just like seeing a deer in headlights. Except this was funnier, because no one's about to get ran over.

"I mean, don't mind me, but..."

"Jimin, I just–" you tried to explain yourself.

"Save it, I know about you two" he said, amused that you were still so in shock.

"You do!?"

"Yeah... I might've have told him some things..." Hoseok said lowly, afraid of your reaction.

"You don't have to worry about me tho. I ain't no snitch, but I sure as hell ain't no third wheel either, so I would appreciate if you kept it to yourselves right now" Now Jimin was laughing, not even hiding the fact that this whole situation was entertaining to him.

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