Chapter 15 - Confession Time

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Author's Notes:

Don't hate me because Rose isn't in this chapter; she will be back next chapter


The rest of the night with Roza passed uneventfully, but she did spend a lot of it in my arms.

When I got home, Randall had many more chores for me. He had taken to giving me extra work as almost another form of abuse after I got too large to hit without fighting back. I wouldn't sink down to his level, though, so I just did the work and did my best at it. By the time all my chores were done, Roza's light was already off, although I could tell her curtains were closed.

Sunday morning, I had to attend church. St. Vladimir's was a religious school connected to a church and every student was required to attend church services on Sundays. Despite the fact that I lived with Randall on weekends, he never attended church with me. In fact, my sisters, Mama, and Babushka would attend, sometimes even sitting with me.

When I got to the sanctuary, my family wasn't there yet. I found the spot where Ivan was sitting and joined him, sitting in the same pew. The service hadn't started yet, but it was due to start any minute.

"Dimitri!" he whisper-hissed, "How did your dates with Rose go this weekend? Did the book work? What about Twister? Did you end up telling her how old you are?"

"One question at a time. And not during church," I told him as Viktoria came and sat on my other side. A few seconds later, the priest came and began to recite the opening prayer.

I bowed my head and tried to ignore him as we prayed, but Ivan continued, hissing out a whispered, "C'mon, man, don't hold out on me!" then Ivan leaned forward and added to Vika, who he always had a crush on, "Hi Vika, you look lovely today!"

"Dude!" I hissed back, next to his ear, "Wait until after church to pester me about my dates this weekend!"

"You're telling him about your dates, Dimka?" Viktoria asked, "I want to know, too!"

"No," I whispered to her, "I am not telling him about my dates. But Ivan keeps asking."

"At least tell me if she knows how old you are now?" he asked. Oh, shit, here we go! I shot Ivan a killing look, but he just continued to look curious.

"Roza doesn't know how old you are, Dimka?" Viktoria asked in a quiet voice. The church service was well under way, but except for the tone of our voices, it looked like it had been all but forgotten by the three of us.

Ivan smiled at Viktoria, now aware that he held information she wanted. Ivan was my best friend since we were kids and would often choose our friendship over girls, but he had wanted Vika since he was twelve. "Dimitri hasn't told her how old he is," Ivan replied to Vika, "and she thinks he's in college," then to me, he added, "What? It's not like Viktoria wasn't going to figure it out!"

Viktoria asked me, "Is there a big age difference?" Despite being in church, I nearly cursed under my breath. I knew this was coming the moment Ivan asked if she knew my age.

"Something like that," I said.

Ivan added, helpfully, "Dimitri said she dated Jesse."

Viktoria's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head. "Jesse? Ivan's cousin, Jesse? Jesse Zeklos?! That Jesse?"

Ivan nodded. I muttered to him, "Ivan, if we weren't in church right now, I would seriously throttle you."

"Jesse went to St. Vladimir's," Viktoria said, then she looked at me and asked, "Roza did go to St. Vladimir's, didn't she?"

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