Chapter 3 - Almost Sounds Like a Date

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"Are you getting hungry? Maybe we should order a pizza. Would you like to watch a movie while we eat?" Rose asked, pulling her hands away and turning to find her cell phone and the remote to the TV.

I was almost afraid that Rose would be sending me home to eat. The TV was sitting haphazardly on the edge of a bookcase against the wall at one end of the couch. Getting it positioned right on the wall would be tedious and difficult and could take almost an hour, but it seemed as good a reason as any to stick around. "I could probably carry some more of the smaller boxes in," I offered, "Or maybe help you mount the TV on the wall?"

"Easy, Comrade," Rose told me, "You've done enough hard labor for one day. Right now, you deserve to at least have some food and a chance to breathe for a little while. So, let me buy you some pizza and you can hang out here and watch a movie. Unless you have someplace else to be?"

I looked her in her beautiful brown eyes and said, "I'm right where I want to be, right here, right now, with you." Even as I said it, I realized that the words were rife with meaning.

Rose blushed lightly and then looked down and started swiping across her phone screen, saying, "One of the other neighbors recommended the pizza place over on Main Street to me. How hungry are you? I feel like I could eat a horse."

I was honestly hungry enough to eat an entire extra-large pizza by myself, but I wasn't sure I should, especially if Rose was buying. But not like I had the money to buy pizza for everyone myself. "I'm actually pretty hungry, but I don't want to be an inconvenience."

"No problem, Comrade," Rose said, "You strike me as a guy who could eat a lot. How's an extra-large sound? I'll order an extra-large for you, and another extra-large for me. Pepperoni sound good to you?"

"I actually really like anchovies," I told her, "it reminds me of the Mockba pizza we used to eat in Russia when I was a kid."

"I can order that," said Rose, "providing you promise to eat the whole thing. No one else here would ever touch the stuff!"

"Not a problem," I told her with a grin.

"Kick off your shoes. Let me check with Lissa and see how much pizza she'd want or if anyone else is coming over. Then I'll place the order."


After Rose managed to get Lissa's attention, the two girls went into the kitchen to discuss pizza toppings. I waited a few minutes, but then my curiosity got the better of me. I padded over to the kitchen doorway and listened.

"Liss, I know!" Rose hissed, "I can't believe how incredible he is. But I just met the guy today!"

"He offered to help us move, Rose. How bad can he be?" Lissa asked, "And, Rose, you need to get laid. It's been over two years since everything happened with Jesse."

"I don't want him to think I'm easy. That's what got me into the whole Jesse Zeklos mess to begin with!" Jesse Zeklos? She couldn't mean Ivan's cousin, could she? I began to grind my teeth at the thought of sleazy Jesse with his hands on Rose.

"Doesn't being with Dimitri sound so much better than waiting until you're alone and being with Dildo Shaggins again?" It took me a second to realize who - what - she was referring to there. I bit my tongue to keep from laughing at the nickname for Rose's sex toy. And I couldn't believe that Rose was talking to her best friend about - or even thinking about - having sex with me.

This might be the day I'd finally lose my virginity. And I'd never wanted to lose it more than to Rose.

"Fuck, does it sound better! Even if he's bad, it might still be better than being by myself. Look at the man, though: he practically sweats straight-up sex appeal! He couldn't be bad at it." I sighed. Those were big expectations to have to live up to for my first time.

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