Chapter 9 - Do the Cooking With Her

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I was already starting to stiffen as I rang Rose and Lissa's doorbell, thinking of being close to this beautiful woman and all the things I wanted to do to her amazing body. I stood there holding the grocery bags full of pre-measured ingredients and supplies in one hand and Ivan's book tucked under my other arm, waiting for her to come to the door. I was so excited that I had arrived on her doorstep before even stopping by Randall's when I arrived on Friday afternoon. I only hoped Roza didn't laugh at my - well, Mama's and Ivan's, really - low-budget date ideas.



"So, my little Dimka," Mama chuckled - I hadn't been smaller than her since I was twelve, but she still insisted on calling me 'little'. "You really want to impress Roza this weekend?"

"Yes, Mama," I replied.

"And you don't know what to do for your date that doesn't cost a lot of money?"

"I don't."

"How about you cook for her?" she suggested.

Knowing the way Roza reacted when we had our pizza, this seemed ideal. The way to Roza's heart was definitely through her stomach.

"As long as you promise not to share my recipe, I will even help you so that you can make some black bread for her."

"Black bread?" I asked, astounded, "You wouldn't even share that recipe with Karolina when she tried to move out!"

"And I still won't be giving you the whole recipe," she said, "but I'll give you containers with the ingredients in the right amounts already measured out and the instructions to mix them together and bake them."


More Flashback:

"Olena wants you to cook for Rose tonight, so you'll look like this sensitive man who's all domestic and shit?" Ivan asked me as he sat down at the lunch table beside me, "And Rose is just going to sit there in the other room while you do all the cooking, and not be near you until it's all done?"

"That's the general idea," I told him, "I already texted Rose and told her to expect a surprise and that we would be eating at her house. Her roommate, Lissa, is going to be out of the house all weekend visiting Lissa's family."

"And you said she is smoking hot? Like a perfect ten?"

"Yes, Ivan. what's your point?"

"Does she have tits, Dimitri? Like big ones, I mean?" I scowled at Ivan's very personal question. "Wait - I know your taste in girls, Dimitri - of course she does! Why would I even ask such a question?"

I started to growl at his assumption - despite its accuracy - until he said, "I know you want to get a chance to feel them."

I smacked him on the back of the head as I said, "Ivan!!!"

"So you do the cooking with her - together. Then you can still be the domestic dude who knows how to cook for your woman and put your arms around her while you're cooking together, getting close to her. And if you just happen to accidentally graze one with your arm, all the better."

I couldn't decide whether to scowl, smack him again, or hug him. His idea ... had merit.

"Better yet," Ivan continued, "You said you're making Olena's black bread recipe with Rose - right?"


"The bread needs time to rise and bake, right? So bring some games with you to play while you're waiting. Make sure one of them's Twister. Then, you ask her what she wants to play. It gives her the chance to look like she's in control. But ninety percent of the time, if you ask a girl what she wants, she'll tell you it's up to you. Then you pick Twister!"

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