Chapter Five

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Author's Note: I had originally planned to just have this be a small bonus chapter from Uncle's POV, but he had a lot to say. Therefore, I just made it it's own chapter for you to enjoy and you get to have two chapter updates on this story. You will get to see how Uncle came upon Sang and a little something about what Owen has up his sleeve (though you will get the full plan by chapter eight). The italicized portion of this story is Uncle going back in time to meeting Sang, this is what was going through his mind on that fateful day. I hope you enjoy reading it!

Uncle's POV

I was in the hospital cafeteria staring at a plate of food I wasn't sure I was even going to eat. Phil had forced me to leave the room to take a break. The doctors were about to run some routine tests and didn't need me blocking their way. It was hard for me to leave the little bird's side. Just imagining what she must have gone through to end up in such a way made my heart break and justifiable anger to course through my veins. Just thinking about that early morning has me itching to be back by her side to make sure she is alright.

North and Luke were arguing, like most mornings, in the dining area. The act brought a smile to my face. It was a long way from when North first came to live with us and wouldn't speak to either of us. That was a hard time for Luke, who just wanted to understand North, but for me as well.

It had been one thing to take in Luke. Even then, I didn't necessarily know what I was doing and I'm sure I messed up on a lot of things. Yet, he was a fairly easy child to deal with until he entered his ninja stage and I couldn't keep up with him.

Taking in a broody preteen? I was in over my head. But I wouldn't change my decisions for anything. The Academy brought my family together and I couldn't be greater for that fact. So listening to them bicker, I just smiled and continued with my food prep in the kitchen. The morning rush would be starting soon and I need to have things prepared. North and Luke were only here for a moment before needing to head out for their current mission at the local high school.

"Uncle, we're heading out," North calls out in his barked tone.

A huff of laughter escapes me while I shake my head. Those two are going to be the death of me.

"Alright, boy. Hold on."

I grab the two lunches I prepared for them earlier, knowing the cafeteria at that god-awful school has nothing the two of them would enjoy. Or could even attempt to get in the first place.

Following them out the door to the back lot where North has parked his truck, something catches my attention at the edge of the woods. I dismiss it, thinking the light is paying tricks on me. If the boys didn't notice, then it shouldn't be anything. Both of them are hyper focused on their surroundings, for completely different reasons, and know if it was something worth checking out, they'd already be over there.

Handing them the lunches, I give them a quick pat to the back and issue my goodbyes before stepping back and watching as they pull away.

As I turn to head back into the restaurant, the object by the woods catches my attention once more. I watch intensely for any movement or something suspicious. Just as I'm about to chalk it up to my old age, a whisper of sound catches on the wind. My feet pause in their tracks and my body turns rigid.

Is my mind really playing tricks on me? Or did I just hear a girl's voice?

Academy training kicking in, even if I'm semi-retired, I march my way to the woods to investigate. What I stumbled upon was in no way how I had imagined my day to begin.

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