Author's Note

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Alrighty guys! 

Each of my five stories has at least one chapter up now. Woo-who!

So...that means I'm going to try and get started on my schedule I have planned (will post below). I haven't really decided how long any of these will be. I'm writing by the seat of my pants. Just letting the characters take me where they want. I have a feeling Let Me Go will be my shortest one, so once it's finished, I will replace it with another story. More than likely Burlesque. I have a few other story ideas that I might add once I have these other four finished. I don't want to start too many and then get overwhelmed or not want to update. 

My plan is to update every week, but I don't want to guarantee that. It will usually only be one chapter, but that also depends on the characters and how loud they are speaking to me. Let Me Go has seemed to just be flowing out of me. I'm not struggling to come up with content for it. So for that story I may post two or more chapters at a time. Again, just depends on how things go. 

I've thought about adding a few of my original stories here. (I had originally started them on a separate Wattpad name, but think I might move here-easier access). Would y'all like to see those? Let me know what you think of that. Because I have a lot of story ideas!! LOL

The schedule is as follows:

Always & Forever will be updated on Mondays

Academy of Monsters will be updated on Tuesdays

The Missing Elemental Link will be updated on Wednesdays

Let Me Go will be updated on Thursdays

The Tainted Rose will be updated on Fridays

Make sure to check out my profile to find all my works! I'm excited to see what everyone thinks. 

Happy reading everyone!!

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