Chapter Four

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Owen's POV

I watch as each of my brothers give their word that they will help Kota care for the young women currently laying in the hospital bed. I'd heard about her condition prior to this because Sean had come to my home utterly destroyed a few days ago. He couldn't handle the things they kept discovering about the young girl. He couldn't go into many details due to HIPPA laws, but I got the gist of his ramblings.

Abuse. External and internal damage.

Each of my brothers, myself included, suffered from the hands of a parent. We knew exactly how the girl must have been feeling. Yet to see such a beauty destroyed by such evilness? It opened your eyes to a new world.

Sure, we knew everything wasn't sunshine in roses within the world. Our parents showed us that firsthand. Then we learned it once more after the Academy saved us and sent us on missions. After a time, even when you believe it isn't possible, you become sensitized to everything. You expect the worst from people. Always waiting for the other shoe to drop when things seem to be going too well. But this girl? What she suffered? Tops any mission we've ever been a part of. You hear things about this happening, but never firsthand.

My heart breaks for her. As well as Kota.

I voice my willingness to comply as well.

Sean goes back to questioning Kota, trying to figure out the best course of action going forward.

"What more do you know of her Kota? What do we need to do? If her parents are as bad as you say, we can't contact them about her condition."

Kota had started to smile, but then it slipped when Sean reminded him of her family, of what they are capable of.

"She is amazing. Knows multiple languages, self-taught, has the uncanny ability to sneak up on you, yet you can never do the same to her. Fiercely loyal. Kind and humble. She's basically perfect. It's one of the reasons I didn't mention her."

His eyes look up at us and take us all in. I can see the guilt in him, but I'm not sure what exactly he is guilty for. Not in this moment.

"What do you mean, Mr. Lee?" my stern voice soft to not disturb the sleeping girl, though from what Sean has said, I don't think it matters much.

Kota looks to each of us again, his shoulders slumping and a grimace coming over his features. It doesn't sit well with his red and swollen eyes, but I don't call him out on it. He is in a situation none of have ever been in and he's allowed to show those emotions. He isn't like me, I silently chant in my head, reminding myself that others don't like to put up a mask to not show weakness.

"Look at her," his eyes go to her briefly before turning back to us. "One look at her and I know y'all felt exactly as I did. I was willing to do anything, say anything, just to spend a few minutes with her. I love each of you and would do absolutely anything for you, no questions asked. But sometimes," his voice trailed off as he looked back to the girl, caressing her face softly with the tips of his fingers. "Sometimes I just want something for myself. We share everything. But I wanted to be selfish with just this one thing. Because I know her too. I know her heart. It's big enough to love all of us and I wasn't ready for that yet. I wasn't ready for her to meet y'all and have that thrust upon her. Maybe it was my own insecurities, afraid she would choose someone over me, or that I would lose the connection I had to her. Whatever my excuses were, I just knew I wanted her to myself. And because of my selfishness, she is here. Laid up in this hospital bed, nearly dead, because of the actions of her mother."

Several of us try to speak up, reassuring him that this is in no way his fault, but he continues on as if he doesn't hear us. His eyes lose focus and are staring off into space. I watch his fingers tap away against his leg as he counts in the back of his mind.

"Maybe...maybe if I had told you all about her, about what I suspected, we could have set up a schedule or something. Make sure each of us were available if things got out of hand. She would have several people at her beck and call to save her. If it hadn't been for me keeping her a secret."

"Mr. Lee, you can't know that for certain. No matter how many times you play over the scenario, what ifs will not change the present. She is safe now. As safe as she can be. We have to continue on now, for her sake."

I make sure he understands what I'm saying before continuing on.

"Now, what do you think the best course of action for her should be? You know her the best. What would she want?"

He mulls over my question; however, what he decides has him grimacing but hopeful.

"I think she would be a perfect candidate for the Academy. She wouldn't want to be a burden though. She doesn't want pity or anything like that. My only concern is what the Academy would have her do if she did join. You know the types of missions they send birds out on. I'm also concerned about Sang's wellbeing. She is painfully shy. When we are together, she hardly speaks, more than willing to just listen to me. We would need to put her with someone she is comfortable with. However, I couldn't make that decision, it would have to be up to her."

Thinking over everything he has said, a plan forms in my head. I need to make a few calls before anything can be set into motion, but I think I have an idea that will help us all out. Only a few things stand in our way. Our current mission being one of them. I'll need to do something there as well, make sure we can have the hospital covered while we are away.

With these thoughts in mind, I bid the boys farewell and start my personal mission.

First stop, Dr. Roberts office.


(1088 word count)

Kind of a short chapter, but I think it was necessary. I'll be posting a bonus chapter shortly. :)  

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