Chapter 18: The training camp

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"All Might"


(Midoriya's POV)

We were sitting in class waiting for Aizawa-sensei to start the lesson, then we heard the door opening "Ok brats, sit down and shut up" Aizawa-sensei said entering the class room "Today we will be going to a training camp to train your quirks" he said.

The ones who didn't pass the exam were looking down emotionless, I was looking at them with a drop of sweat 'I feel a bit sorry for them'  I thought, "As you know , some of you didn't pass the exam, but don't worry everyone will be going to the camp... But the ones who didn't pass will be doing extra classes with me and Vlad King" Aizawa-sensei said and the mood brightened a bit.

"But before going to the camp I have an announcement , today we'll be having a new student, so come on in and greet everybody" Aizawa-sensei said , and a tired looking boy with purple hair walked inside the classroom "Hi everyone, I'm Shinsou Hitoshi , and I'll be joining class 1-A to become a hero" he said.

I was looking with wide eyes 'Shinsou?!  Oh my God , he'll be joining us as heroes in training, that's fantastic! , his dream can finally become true'  I thought , then Aizawa-sensei told us to get on the school bus and wait.

The trip towards the training camp was enlivened, everyone was talking about the new student and his quirk, I allways thought that Shinsou's quirk was strong and extremely usefull, and seeing him now, talking with ease to my classmates makes me happy for him, he finally got accepted.

The bus stopped and I woke Ochako up who was taking a nap on my shoulder, when we got off we saw two women dressed like cats , Ochako and I started rambling in unison "Those are the Wild Wild Pussycats, a hero team who've saved many people, they are my favourite heroes , and they've been around for -" we were cut off by Pixiebob grabbing my face "We're not that old, I'm 18 at heart!" she yelled at us .

I nodded, scared for my life 'Mental note : never ever talk about the pussycats' age'  I thought while sweat dropping, "Ok calm down! The camp is over there" said Mandalay pointing over the forest " You have to use your quirks to get there, be sure to get there before noon, or you won't get dinner" she added.

"Shit, everyone get back on the bus!" yelled Kaminari , some of us started running towards the bus but Pixiebob intercepted us and used her quirk to drop us into the forest.

everyone grunted in pain after the fall, well... everyone but me and Ochako, "Ugh, Why the fuck are you two not dirty or in pain?!" Yelled Kachan "Because we're cats, and we landed on our feets" I explained and he sweat dropped "Lucky  bastards" he said.

After fighting all those beasts we finally got to the camp.

We got to relax in a hot tub and then we ate dinner, I noticed that Kota was walking alone in the forest, and I thought of bringing him some food, so I followed him, when he stopped I called him "Kota, I brought you some food" I said "What ? how did you even get here? did Mandalay told you about this place?" he asked "No, I just followed you... sorry" I said placing the plate of food next to him.

"Why do you even try?" he asked "At being a hero?" I asked and he nodded "Because I made a promise with my mother and my friends!" I said "And what kind of promise did you make?" he asked, I sat beside him and said "Well , I always wanted to be a hero to save people with a smile, just like All Might, but when I discovered my quirk my mother was killed by a villain, then my friend's family decided to take care of me, but at school everybody treated me like a villain, because the news of the incident spread all over the school, so I was basically bullied for all my school life... But that didn't stop me, I promised my mother that one day I'll be the number one hero and that I will save everyone, because no one should go through what I have been." after talking I turned around and went back to the others.

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