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Day 2
"WAKE UP!" Someone yelled as I was hit with a pillow.
"Ow, What do you want?" I groaned into my pillow. "What time is it?"

"12" Tegan the Waker Uper said.
"Am?" I lifted my head from my pillow.
"That's SOO early!" I slammed my head back down. "Erg"

"Ow! Can you stop slamming your head on my stomach. It really hurts"
Oh I was wondering why my pillow was fidgeting. Tegan's stomach growled. And growling with hunger.

"You hungry My Little Gingerbread Girl?" I said laughing. I got up to make us brunch or Lunch.

"What's on today's agenda?" Tegan said grabbing a piece of toast.

"Maybe The beach?" It was kind warm but a tad cold so we would have to hold eachother to warm up. Plus it was near to my night activity.


"It's freezing. Why are we here again?" Tegan asked.
"In...our...second...year of...friendship. In the...summer...we would swim and chat. Listen to music and that." I said though the wind.

"Oh. How do you remember all of this? Like how do you remember all the things we used to do?"
"I never stop think of them. I replay them in my Mine since that's when I had my happiest." I blushed.
"Aww your blushing!"
"I am not. It's cold." I lied.

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