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This chapter is really long.
This was meant to update last night (Valentine's Day) but my phone didn't save it and then my laptop crashed. So sorry ly x

It was Valentine's Day today and I don't think Simon is really the guy to go all out and do something special.

I had the perfect gift for her. It's gunna be special.

I mean maybe a restaurant then movie or just a group date activity. Nothing else. Simon's not into lovey Dovey couples.

I am not really the romantic kind of guy. But this, I personally think it is the most romantic thing anyone can do.
I have a plan.
1. Dinner
2. Movie (this so she doesn't guess my gift.)
3. Drive to Tegan's parents house (it's not that far)
4.The exchange of gifts.

Knowing Tegan she has made a little bag full of cute things. Like a main gift, then the bag with the gift in is filled with sweeties. So I won't be running out of love hearts anytime soon
5. Be the best boyfriend ever to exist!

I really hope he doesn't go all out and does something really cute. Because if he does my bag of cute will turn to bag of shame. I will get dirty looks and people could be like 'Really?'

I guess I should get ready now.
"Si? Where are we going tonight?" I yelled down the stairs.

It feels so nice having my own house now. Near my Uni, the train station so it's easy for Simon and me to see our parents and its near the sidemen house. It's perfect.

"I can't tell you!" Simon yelled back. You could hear the smirk on that dimpled face.

"Fine. Can you at least tell me what kind of date it is? So I can dress appropriately?"

"Wear a dress. We are going somewhere after so I have packed our over night bags." Where in the world are we going?


"Hush child. Curiosity killed the cat"
Um okay then.

I just put on my black dress. It had a sweet heart neck. I only wore it because it's Valentine's Day and it seemed to fit with the day.
After that I just followed on of Zoella's make up videos.

I meet her once. It's a long story. Because Simon is friends with Harry we were hanging out at Harry's. Harry had invited Joe Sugg to come (since they are friends) Joe had heard about me so he invited Zoe to come and keep me company while the boys played FIFA. So we talk for a bit and now we are kinda friends.

I should call her now!

I am getting so nervous.

What if she doesn't like it?
What if she leaves me?

What ifs are as boundless as the stars...
I really need to stop reading Tegan's books.

And btw it's not The Fault In Our Stars. It's Maggot Moon.

I could hear Tegan nattering down the phone to Zoe.

I decided to get ready. I just put on a shirt which was a bit dressy but not too much. And bottoms.

I was getting changed anyway.

I packed our over night bags. I put my gift in the pocket of my other jacket I packed.

I looked at the clock. It read 5:47.

"Tegan we will have to go in 15 minutes!"

"I am done. Jees."

Tegan looked amazing. Her hair had been curled. Her dress fitted her body perfectly.

She was stunning and all mine.

Hey Guys it's Liv again. I am gunna update this chapter because it is really long but don't worry! I will update later today or tomorrow.

Comment here if you can guess what the gift is. 😉

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