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She was driving me crazy...
Every waking moment is how's this banner? How are these balloons? Oh Simon look at these plates!

It was cute at first, you know?, it's like she got so happy planning and that. But now she's like bridezilla!

Oh if you haven't heard the news. You must be so confused! Haha

Last year, I proposed to Tegan at her parents house and then we went back to my parents house and filmed a video saying 'This is my girlfriend and Oh! Yeah we are getting Married!' She then told me that for a year she had been pretending to have Amnesia as a prank.

It wasn't meant to last that long but as more and more people got in on the joke, it just got bigger! She even got my mum in on it!

But anyway now, 1 year on, we have Tegan, sorting though a lot of wedding magazines. She has a BINDER! A fucking binder! Full of dresses, bridesmaids dresses, cakes, wine, food, everything!

I try to help. Sometimes. I come with her to shop for flowers and venues.

For venue we are getting married in a castle in France, well not really IN the castle but more outside then we go inside for the reception.

With the stuff like food, wine and cake. She put The Sidemen in charge of. JJ and Ethan food, Josh and Toby Wine and then Vikk and I have the Cake. To be honest, Tegan and her sidechicks (that's what I call her bridesmaids, who are Liv, Lottie, Laura, Lilli, Becky and some other girls from I56.) have planned the design of the cake and gave us 4 choices of favour. Chocolate, Vanilla, Red Velvet and some weird flavour like raspberry dark chocolate mixed with some posh sauce. As you can tell not my favourite.

If I'm getting stressed about this I wonder how she feels.

Fuck, Fuck, fuck. I hate this. I hate this dress. I hate this banner and most of all I hate planning this! My parents offered to pay for a wedding planner to help me but NO I had be to be like I'm fine. I can do it myself.

I can't.

It's hard.

I really hate this.

Simon has it easy. All he has to plan is his stag do. Which he will probably go to Vegas like every other groom to be. Him and his mates juts have to turn up and eat food and say which one they like. I mean I gave them options!

And before you say anything 'why isn't Simon helping you?' It's because he was at first and I can tell he hated it. So I did the nice thing of telling him not to worry my friends can help.

I really want to not plan anymore but my wedding is in 1 month and I haven't got a dress, the food isn't sorted, or the wine and the cake! Everything else is okay.

I think.

She must be okay. She's so organised. She's probably relaxing now, reading a online book or something.

Before you saying anything 'They just met' no they have been friends for years and I said many times YEARS. So if you want times for this. Its like probably 2018 or something. So they are not like early 20s in uni still getting married. They are like mid 20s.

I know I said no going back on ending it a few months ago. But I was in a writer mood and I realised I never said the wedding or what came after.

And I started to write a sidemen apocalypse book and well. It sucks. If you want I can put it in here as a little inside. Maybe a dream for Simon? Or I can just publish the shit 2 chapters.

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