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My name is Felix. Lee Felix. I am 20 years old. I'm a doctor or well a psychiatrist. I work in a mental institution. Many people are actually afraid to come to our institution since it's where Koreans biggest psychopaths are kept. My fellow other doctors are scared too. As for me I'm not scared. There's nothing they can do.

Mark:Hey Felix you heard that the world's biggest psychopath from Australia is coming over at our hospital.

Felix:Hm really?

Mark:They say to never let your guard down when your with him. He can deceive you with his looks.

Felix:He can't be that good looking I mean look at me can anyone be more hotter than me.

Mark:😅Felix get over your self.

Felix:Jeez I'm just kidding.

Mark:But still Felix I'm scared he has been known to brutally kill everyone. He doesn't care he doesn't have a soft side. He wouldn't hesitate even a bit.

Felix:You know since everyone fears him so much tell me about him more. I'm intrigued.

Mark:His name Bang Chan. Well that's he's Korean name. His original name from Australia is Christopher Bang. His 26 years old. Not much information is actually known about him. That's what makes him more fearful. No one knows his weakness it's as if he doesn't have one or he's just really good at hiding it.

Felix:Hm interesting. Now I wanna meet him.

Mark:Seriously Felix. You might not be scared now but trust me when you meet him your going to be scared too.

Felix:We'll see bout that. I wonder who's going to be assigned to him.

Mark:I just wish it's not me.

Felix:Well I wish it's me.

Mark:Well good luck if you get assigned to him.

Felix:Thanks du-

Lee Felix would you please report to Mr Jason's office.

Felix:Well that's my cue to leave I'll see you around.



I knocked at the door. After hearing a come in I entered.

Felix:Good Afternoon Mr Jason.

Jason:Good Afternoon Felix. Take a seat.

Felix:Thank you sir.

Jason:I'm sure you must have heard of the arrival of Bang Chan.

Felix:I have sir.

Jason:Felix your the only Australian working here. As Australians I think you both can communicate better. Plus your the only one not afraid of him for the time being. So can I entrust you with the responsibility of being Mr Bangs psychiatrist?

Felix:Yes sir I promise I won't let you down!

Jason:You better not. You have never let me down before so I don't expect you to do it now.

Felix:Yes sir Thank you.

Jason:Your welcome your excused.

I bow my head and started making my way off. Before I left-

Jason:Felix you won't be having any other patients since Mr Bangs tough to get through. And I suggest you keep your guard up while around him.

I nodded and exited the room. I gotta tell Mark!



Mark:What's wrong?

Felix:I got assigned to him.


Felix:The psycho you dum dum.

Mark:Oh Felix I'm still pretty worried about you.

Felix:It would be fine trust me. I know self defence if something ever happens.

Mark:Alright then. His in room 104.

Felix:Thanks bud see ya later.


*Sigh*I am standing right in front of the door. OK let's do this.

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