I can see the disappointed look on my members. " Let's stop this right now. We wouldn't finish this if Sammie cannot keep up. Let's call it day!" He said disappointingly. "Sammie please stay." the teacher told me and I just nodded.

"What's wrong with you? You are not like this what's going on?" He asked me trying to study my face. I feel really really nauseous. "Mianhe I don't understand why I am feeling like this." I said I am trying my hardest to balance myself. " Gwenchana you don't look good. Go home and rest okay". he said. "Kamsamhamnida teacher~nim!" I told him and I went out the dance studio.

Jimin was standing in the hallway. " What's wrong with you?" He asked me. Anger is visible in his tone and in his face. "Mianhe!" was all I can say. It seems like my world is spinning around. I suddenly loss balance and I accidentally grab Jimin's shirt. He held me in place I saw him trying to look at my face. I saw his face became worried. " Sammie are you okay?" he asked. "I-im O-o-okay!" I said then everything went black.

Jimin's POV:

I felt really upset that the practice was cut short because Sammie cannot catch up. She was doing good but of all days she choose to slack off when we all are trying our best to finish the choreography of an important track.

If she will always be like this we will never get to debut.

"I need to talk to her about this. It is unacceptable. She is not the only one who is tired all of us are. But everyone is doing their best and here she is slacking off." I told my self.

I saw her coming out of the dance studio. I really cannot contain my anger. " What's wrong with you?" I told her through gritted teeth. "Mianhe." was all her response and I got more upset with her answer. I saw her loose her balance and she accidently gripped my shirt. I automatically held her arms to help her balance. She looks pale and i saw droplets of sweat on her forehead. I got worried as she had lost all the color on her face she looks like a blank white sheet of paper."Sammie are you okay?" I asked worriedly. "I-im O-o-okay!" i hear her whisper then she collapsed.

It was a good thing I was holding on to her so she didn't hit the hard floor. I panic I started to tap her face trying to wake her up. " Sammie!! Sammie!! wake up!" But she didn't move. I grab my phone from my pocket and called Namjoon. "Hyung?!!" "Where are you?? We have been waiting here in the lobby." Namjoon said. "Call the ambulance Sammie fainted" I told him in panic. "Where are you?" He asked. "We are in the hallway just outside the dance studio." I told him. "We will be there!!" and the line ended.

I looked at Sammie she is still not moving. I held her tightly. My heart is pounding like crazy. "Sammie~ah dont do this wake up!" I told her. I also tried massaging her hand tapping it but she really isn't moving.

A few minutes later I saw. Namjoon , Taehyung and Hoseok running towards us. " What happened?" Namjoon asked kneeling down to look at Sammie. "I dunno I was just talking to her she said she was okay but she collapsed." I answered.

"We need to bring her down the lobby. Jin already called the ambulance they are on their way!" Hoseok said. Taehyung knelt down and tried to take and carry Sammie. "No!" I said. "I'll carry her!" Taehyung just look at me and stood up. I carried Sammie until we reach the agency entrance. The other members were there guiding me trying to make sure that I carry her safely.

Jin approached us. Worry is written on his face. He looked at Sammie's pale face. "She is so pale!" He said. Yoongi and Jungkook approach us they all look worried.

We heard the ambulance approaching. Two medical staff help us put Sammie in the gurney. We told them what happened. They immediately put oxygen on her and put her in the ambulance. "Only two of you guys can ride the ambulance." The medic said. I instinctively went in the ambulance and Jin followed.

The other members said that they will talk with the manager and will follow.

In the ambulance they checked her vital signs. I heard one saying that her heartbeat is very faint and the oxygen in her brain is low. Maybe that is the reason why she collapsed.

I am really really worried. And guilty at the same time. Here I am getting mad at her about slacking off but the truth is she wasn't feeling well.

"Mianhe..Mianhe....Mianhe" I told her repeatedly while holding her hand trying to massage it again. I dunno why I'm doing it I just felt I need to do it.

"What are you sorry for?" Jin asked me looking at me confused. " I was about to talk to her. I was mad because I thought she was slacking off before she fainted!!" I told Jin.

" Aisshh Jimin~ah if that was me would you tell me off?" He asked but wasn't really waiting for an answer "We know how she is during practice. She is one of the best dancers in the team. I knew something was wrong with her I was just trying to look for a good time to ask and talk to her. I never imagined it was this serious!" he continued.

We reach the hospital and went out the ambulance. They push the gurney towards the emergency room where we can see nurses meeting them when they enter. We are asked to wait outside as we are not allowed to go in.

We waited there patiently. It's been 35 minutes since they took her to the ER. One of our managers came with the other members.

They were all talking asking how Sammie was. And i just sat there. I don't have the energy to answer. I just wanted her to be well.

After an hour a doctor came out from the ER. "Where is the family of Park Samantha?".........


Forever (Imagine BTS 8th member)JIMIN  (Book 1)   **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now