Chapter One: Familiar Encounters

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Annabeth(One Year Later)

"Your first day of second grade...I'm so proud of you, sweetie." I smiled down at my daughter, Rosalie, straightening the bow in her hair.

"I'm excited. Last year was the worst, but I think this year will be better." I nodded.

"Great. Excited to see your friends?"

"Duh. Annie and I have been so excited. We have our entrance all planned out. We will walk in with our new backpacks slung over our left shoulder, then burst into a strategically planned dance number. Nate, Kayce, and Gina are in on the plan too."

"Impressive. Any flashlight spotlights?"

"'s not going to be dark enough." she hung her head. I laughed.

"I'm sure it will be great either way. Now come on. Want me to take you to the playground?" Rosie bit her lip.

"Yeah...I don't want Angela to ruin my first day." Angela was the person that had bullied her in her last few months of school.

"Okay. Let's go." We got out of my car and I took her hand.



"It is okay that Annie and I still hang out, right?" I stopped and turned to face her.

"You be friends with whoever you want, got that?" she sighed in relief.

"Thanks." We continued towards the playground.

"Why don't you stand near the entrance and I'll get a few pictures of you?" Rosalie walked over the steps and sat, striking a pose. I snapped a few pictures.

"ROSIE I MIIIIIISED YOU! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!" a little girl's voice shouted from behind. Rosalie perked up and waved Annie over. Annie jumped on Rosie in a bone-crushing hug. I chuckled.

"What happened? Did Leo eat too many skittles?"

"No, I wish. Dad got another girlfriend. She is the worst. Tried to bribe me by buying me a phone. I told her that if she was that low then she could army-crawl out of the house." I snorted quietly. I snapped a picture of the two girls hugging.

"Annabelle WHAT are you doing?" screeched a female. The three of us turned to see a platinum blonde woman who really needed to touch up her roots storming towards us.

"For the last time, Karen, my name is Annie. You've been with my dad for four months now. Get it right." Annie put a hand on her hip. The woman–Karen–stopped and sized up Rosie and me.

"You're those two girls from those pictures in my boyfriend's house. Who do you think you are?" she got in my face, her garlic breath sickening me. I leaned back, wrinkling my nose.

"Listen, I have no idea who you are, so can you please get out of my–" I was cut off by yet another voice.

"Karen what are you doing? Didn't I tell you to stop stalking Annie and me?" Karen leaned toward me even further.

"Just taking care of this...woman. Goodbye, Annabelle. Percy."

"MY NAME ISN'T ANNABELLE!" shouted Annie. I was left standing there, fully creeped out. When Garlic-Breath finally got out of my face, I shook my head and walked to the girls.

"Tthe bell is going to ring in ten minutes why don't you guys go say hi to your other friends? Rosie are you absolutely sure you're okay with taking the bus home? I can always pick you up if you–"

"Annabeth relax. Everyone rides the busses now. Rosie will be fine." Annie slung her arm over Rosalie's shoulder.

"Okay. Have fun. I'll see you at...3:00." I waved goodbye and walked back down the pathway, my head down. Just my luck, I ran into someone.

"Oh my god–I'm so sorry!" I said, backing away. I looked up and there was the absolute last person I wanted to see. Okay, maybe third last, but you get the point.

"Annabeth...hey..." Percy trailed off.

"Hey. Sorry for running into you, I'll be on my way."


Once I was safe in my car, I sighed and leaned back in my seat. No matter how hard I tried to forget Percy, he kept poping up. Everywhere. I go to the pet store to get Boi(my turtle) food, there he is. I go to a museum with Rosie and walk past the marine section, there he is! Maybe I'll just move to Greece. I sat up and pulled out of the parking lot, heading towards work.

When I got there, there was a mass of random people in front. There were ropes holding them back. I jumped out of my car and shoved my way to the front. There were eleven people talking in hushed tones. I recognised them at once. Eleven of the twelve Olympians. Zeus, who ran Zeus Airlines. Poseidon, who just happened to be Percy's father, who ran some kind of movement to save the ocean along with water travel. Hades ran a successful(and popular) law office. Hera had a school for 'Excelling Young Men and Women'. Apollo was a famous preforming arts director. Demeter owned tons of farms across the world. Dionysus was a wine dealer, Aphrodite ran...basically the entire fashion industry as well as many gossip magazines. Hermes was like a living post office, Ares had a company that made weapons and trained soldiers. Artemis had another school, but for young ladies ages 8 to 18. Hestia had a therapy company, and Hephaestus ran a mechanic shop and recently started a TV broadcasting channel called Hephaestus TV. Together all twelve of them brought together there businesses and called themselves 'The Olympians'. The only one not there, was my mother, Athena. I walked inside the building, looking for her. The entire place was empty.

"Mom?" I called out. She came running around the corner, tons of files in one hand, her phone in the other.

"Oh, Annabeth. Thank the gods you're here. All the other Olympians are waiting on me and I need you to come to the meeting with me. You could inherit the company, after all. All of our 'heirs' are coming to a special lunch with us to discus current...threats to the company." I glared at her.

"Why am I just finding out about this now?"

"Because it was last minute. Come on. You're with me." she grabbed my hand and took me outside.

"Is everyone else meeting us there?" asked Hermes.

"Yes, Hermes. None of our children except Annabeth are here, so obviously." Zeus smacked Hermes upside the head.

"No violence, please." plead Hestia, while Ares cheered the two other men on.

"Just get in the limos." Hades sighed, looking like he had just taken a nap in a coffin. Not a very refreshing one, at that.


The fresh smell of a few digital story. How refreshing. 

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