The Discovery of TheTruth

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"Marshall?!?" said both Chase and Everest in unison.

Marshall slowly turned around to face the others, the others gasped in shock and horror in what they saw, they are worried and terrified and when the pup was going to attack them it stop right in front of them while the pup's hand was still in the air he was going to attack Everest first but then he stopped and they all saw this and Everest put her paw on Marshall's paw and he quickly transformed back to his normal self.

"E.. Everest" The Dalmatian said looking confused and scared

"Marshall *gasp* MARSHALL" She shouted and hugged him 

"Everest I'm so sorry" the Dalmatian said as he hugged her back, they both blushed at the sudden action of the two because they both liked each other but the curse is preventing Marshall to feel love"

"Shhh Marshall it s okay, it's okay" The Husky said as she was comforting the Dalmatian while Blushing

"Guys I am so sorry guys for everything, for not telling you guys this" said the Dalmatian still crying and letting go of the hug 

"its okay buddy" said the German Shepherd

"Yeah dude, youw not yet weady to tell us we understand dude" Zuma said with a reassuring smile 

"Its fine just next time tell us so we can help you" Ryder said as he petted the spotted pup

"Yeah okay, but its finally time to tell you guys what is happening" said the Dalmatian still sniffling

The Dalmatian was telling the others what had happened to him, the others gasp because they didn't think that the dream was going to come into reality and the Dalmatian said that he needed to control this because it can help them in missions.

"Are you sure that you can control this Marshall?" asked by rubble

"Yes I am sure I can control this I just need time" said the Dalmatian

"*sighs* okay buddy but be careful" said the German Shepherd with worry in his voice

"Guys you go ahead I will stay here with Marshall and help him control this" said the Husky while blushing lightly, as Marshall heard what Everest said he jumped onto Everest and hugged her tightly 

"Okay Everest but if you need us just yelp for help" Ryder said, as the others were leaving, Ryder followed along

"Thank you Everest but are you sure you want to be around me? I mean you saw what i can become and I don't want to hurt you" Marshall said while breaking the hug

"Yes Marshall I want to help you" Everest said blushing a little harder than before but it wasn't noticed by Marshall

"Thank you Everest, thank you so much" the Dalmatian said as he hugged the Husky again.

"Your welcome Marsh" said the Husky still blushing

They were still hugging although the husky didn't want it to end but the dalmatian broke the hug and headed towards his pup house, he can't stop the feeling of being warm and having butterflies in his stomach and thinking that he feels kind of safe or happy with the huskybut he just shrugged it off and went to bed. While the Dalmatian was in bed the husky went to her pup house and will do the same but when she was going to her pup house she heard some whimpering coming from the red pup house she went there and saw the Dalmatian having another nightmare so she went inside and laid there and put her paw around the Dalmatian, when she did that the Dalmatian stopped whimpering and turned himself around facing her but he is still asleep and he put his paws around her like a pillow, the husky was blushing when the Dalmatian did that and went off to a goodnight sleep.

Marshall's curseWhere stories live. Discover now