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Finka set her eyes on his, and was careful to project calm. "We've been over this. You're just stalling. Everyone else has had the injection already, without issue."

"No, I just-"

"They're zinc nanites," Lera interrupted impatiently. "They will remain dormant in your bloodstream until activated, at which point your system will instantly absorb the nutrients. You'll get a surge of adrenaline, painkillers, the works." She paused. "Think of it as Gustave's STIM shot... just more potent."

Senaviev shook his head and muttered something inaudible before sinking back onto the exam table.

The automatic door to the medical bay slid open with a soft pinging noise emitting from the sensor, and Gustave "Doc" Kateb walked in, nodding his greetings. "Alex, Lera. Sorry I'm late."

"Speak of the devil." Finka disposed of her nitrile gloves to swap out for a new pair.

"Talking about me?" Doc asked with a grin. "All good things, yes?"


Tachanka seized his moment to act on mischief. "Lera was just telling me about her nanobots being more effective than your STIM shots, Doc."

Finka's face remained blank. "That is not what I said."

Doc chuckled as he wheeled a portable monitoring station over next to the exam table. "In a way, she's right."

"Not how I phrased it though."

"I suspect that's true, Lera." Doc fired a smirk at Alex as he snapped on his nitrile gloves, and he began running EKG lines from the monitor and sticking the electrode stickers to key points of Tachanka's shirtless torso.

Finka saw Alexsandr tensing. "Alex, please relax. They're just to monitor your heartbeat while we inject the nanobots."

"All this talk of injecting nanobots, and no actual injection," Alex growled. "I don't like this."

"You'll be fine. You just-"

Without warning, Tachanka sat up on the table and ripped the electrode stickers off his body.

"Alex? Stop." Finka shot up from her chair and instinctively reached for the man, but he batted her hand away. "Alex!"

Tachanka ignored her pleas. He got to his feet and pulled his t-shirt on.

Doc shifted his weight. "Alexsandr, you have nothing to fear. The Director cleared this procedure weeks ago. There is no risk to-"

"No risk?" Alex scoffed. "I'm not letting anyone pump microbots or whatever into my body." He turned to leave.

Finka back-pedaled, raising her hands in a plea. "Wait. Just give me more time to explain the science to you."

"It's not about that."

"You can trust this process! I've refined it through mountains of research, and it's been tested by both the FSB and Spetsnaz."

Alexsandr shouldered past Finka and stepped out of the medical bay and into the hall, which led to the robotics and research laboratories near the experimental testing ground and firing range.

Finka followed him. "Alex! Wait."

He ignored her and kept walking, so the woman jogged to catch up, and stepped in front of him to halt his pace.

Tachanka sighed. "No. If I do this, I'm giving someone control over something in my damned bloodstream. Not happening."

"What? It's just for healing and performance enhancement."

"You didn't grow up with the KGB, Lera. I've seen what happens when you give someone else too much control." The man lifted his arm to scratch at the side of his head, and Finka could not help but notice the way his shirt hugged the curve of his bicep. "Not going down that route." He moved to walk around her, but the woman gently pressed her hand to his midriff to stop him.

"I'm not the KGB." Finka lowered her voice. "You know of my health issues. You know why I've devoted my life to this. I'm here to do my part."

Alexsandr sighed and met Finka's eyes with his. Her usual steely gaze was not to be found; her eyes were wide, urgent... concerned, even. He was not accustomed to seeing that light in her face.

"You said you've been shot, stabbed. I saw the scars." Lera stepped closer, and gently touched her palm to the man's stomach, near his hip. "When the bullet hit, you felt sharp, searing pain here." Her voice was soft, just above a whisper. "It radiated in waves, burning, knifing through your nerves."

Tachanka nodded wordlessly.

"If I was there, you would not have felt it. That pain would be washed away before it could begin." Finka allowed a soft smile up at him. "This is not about control, Alex. This is about protection." She let her hand fall from his body. "This is about me being here for all of you... but I can't be there for you if you won't let me."

At long last, the man exhaled deeply and uttered a small growl of defeat. "Damn it, Lera. Fine. Just make it quick, yes?"

Rainbow Six: November SunWhere stories live. Discover now