Chapter 6

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Optimus was worried about the girls they haven't heard from them for a few weeks, he just hoped they were safe.

All the autobots knew was they snuck out the day they came and that was it. Ratchet tried to track Mikos phone but got nothing. Arcee went out a ton of times to try and find them, but came back alone each time. Bulkhead was scared. Always pacing muttering under his breath.

"Relax Bulkhead I'm sure they are fine, Maybe they went back to Japan or something" Ratchet said.

"Not likely, mikos host parents called there and asked but they haven't heard or seen them since Gina and Cloe came here" Raf said.

"Then where are they?" Bulkhead asked.

"The likely place they are is with the Decepticons, why I am unsure" Optimus said.

"They were likely taken then, but who is dumb enough to.....Knockout" Arcee frowned.

"We don't know that, besides he would have learned from last time" Ratchet said.

Bulkhead flopped on the floor and groaned. He wanted his human back and her sisters. Then an idea came to mind.

"What if they went to the cons themselves?" He asked.

"Excuse me? Who would do a stupid thing like that?" Ratchet said.

Optimus thought about it and nodded agreeing with the wrecker. They likely went to see Starscream or test their luck with Megatron.


Miko, Cloe and Gina were running through the halls. Hoping they didn't fall or get caught. They just wanted to walk around a bit but that proved to be a bad idea.

Megatron got on their heels roared as they didn't stop running from him. Slipping this way and that to avoid him catching them. The next turn they made made him miss again and he crashed into a eradicon.


"TRY ME MEGADORK!" Miko said back to him.

"INSOLENT HUMAN FEMME!" Megatron roared again.

The girls found Knockout in the med bay and ran up to him. He quickly heard them yelling about Megatron and he hid them in his chest. He just closed his plates when the warlord stormed into sight.

"Where are they Knockout?" He asked.

"Who my lord?" Knockout asked turning again as if he didn't know he was there.

"The humans I know they came this way. Your hiding them aren't you?" Megatron smirked.

"Of course not" Knockout said a little scared.

"Knockout don't lie about us please" Miko whispered.

"DONT LIE TO ME YOU FOOL!" Megatron yelled destroying the med bay looking for the humans.

"MEGATRON STOP IT PLEASE!" Knockout cried.

"WHERE ARE THEY?!" Megatron yelled.

"I DONT KNOW! I HAVENT SEEN THEM" Knockout said as he watched his clean med bay get trashed.

"Oh I know where they are, if you lied to me Knockout you'll pay" Megatron said grabbing the medics arm and dragging him down the hall.

"No, wait please! Lord Megatron please I beg of you" Knockout begged.

In the bridge Starscream gasped when the medic was thrown to the floor and Megatron stomped on his lower back.

"Ah!" Knockout cried out.

"Master what are you doing?!" Starscream asked.

"Soundwave live feed for the ship NOW!" Megatron waited as the silent mech did as told.

" you will all learn a lesson! A lesson about lying to your master! As you will see our medic demonstrate" Megatron said showing the medic.

"My lord please.....I beg you" Knockout teared up.

Megatron ignored the pleas and began to hit the mech. Doing to Knockout what he usually did to Starscream. Punching him throwing him and kicking him.

Starscream was scared for his friend as well as the humans. He was used to the beatings but Knockout wasn't, he wasn't even used to minor damage like. Mere scratch.

He watched Knockout land roughly on the floor close to him so many dents in his frame. He growled and ran over him and stood in front of him.

"What are you doing Starscream? Wish to take his place for lying to me as well?" Megatron smirked.

"If it means you leave him alone then I will!" He snapped.

".......cut the feed Soundwave, I think they know what I'm talking about" Megatron said leaving the room with the silent mech following behind him.

"Are you ok?" Starscream asked kneeling by the medic.

"......ngh...the humans.....pry my plates open and.. and check the..humans" Knockout said.

Starscream hesitated a moment before he took hold of the plates and opened them to see the girls holding onto the spark casing shaking. A few bruises on them but otherwise was fine.

The seeker sighed and carefully closed the plates again and lifted the medic into his arms carrying him through the halls.

(Small time skip)

Starscream has grabbed all the objects Knockout had as well as his and opened a ground bridge taking Knockout away from the crazy warlord.

Now walking through all the sand the seeker found an old mine and took shelter in it, carefully putting Knockout down on the ground and checked the wrappings he had over Knockouts chest plates.

"Star...." Knockout opened his optics.

"Sh's ok..just relax, your safe. I have all our things the humans are still in your chest they are ok a little bruised but still alive and I'm amazed" Starscream said with a forced smile.

"....I feel like I know how you feel" Knockout said weakly.

" is minor compared to what I get. I mean to you this is bad but to me this is minor" Starscream said.

"Heheh....true...cough....are they really ok?" Knockout asked.

"Yes....I have soft material wrapped around your plates to hold them together" Starscream said.

"Bless your spark Star....your not as evil as everyone thinks you are" Knockout smiled.

"Yeah well, don't go spreading it around" Starscream smiled back.

"Are you...going back?" Knockout asked just on the brink of stasis.

" neither are you, rest now" Starscream said softly and next thing he knew Knockout outcold to the world.

Starscream looked to the entrance of the cave and sighed. He knew he had to call the autobots but he wasn't looking forward to it.

The next chapter will be what happens next from here. Sorry if it's a bit sad and all.

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