Chapter 2

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Gina was watching a movie she put on on the Inflight screen, Cloe was sleeping beside her still tried from the night before. Gina knew from their new ability and from their bond that she was bothered by that alien. It such a new discovery to them.

Cloe yawned as her eyed fluttered open, she looked around and saw her sister watching a movie. Then a flight intendant came around.

"Can I get you girls anything?" She asked.

"Some mint tea and chocolate covered raisins" Cloe said.

"Right...and you miss?" The woman asked.

"Mint tea and some pretzels please" Gina said.

"Right, I'll get the tea ready I'll be right back" the woman said as she walked back.

"What are you watching?" Cloe asked.

"Dunno some cartoon movie that they had to pick from for kids....I felt like watching a kid movie" Gina said.

"Nothing wrong with that Gina" Cloe yawned.

"Your tea laides" the woman came back handing them their cups and sat the treat bags down.

"Thank you" the girls smiled.

(Autobot base)

Miko sat in the chair playing on her phone deep in though. She had her guardian worried, bulkhead had never seen her so quiet, she didn't ask to blast the music or race into the base to annoy Ratchet, she didn't act crazy the whole trip or after the ride.

Even Ratchet was worried, he normally had to tell her to quiet down but she was so quiet you'd think she wasn't even there.

"Miko, is something wrong?" Ratchet asked.

"Kinda....I just...don't know how to go about talking about it...I...I think I need Optimus for this" Miko said sadly putting her phone back in her pocket.

"Prime? You want prime more than your guardian?" Ratchet was surprised.

"Please doc" she gave him the puppy eyes.

"I'll call for him" Ratchet said comming their leader who was out.

"Your not upset I want to talk to optimus are you?" Miko asked.

"Not at all, sometimes prime is better to talk to about some things he always seems to know how to handle certain things" bulkhead smiled.

Optimus walked back in through the ground bridge and walked up to bulkhead looking at the humans, he watched Miko closely for a minute.

"You wished to talk to me young one?" He asked.

"Yeah...can we go somewhere private to talk?" She asked.

"Of course" he said lowering his servo down to her.

Optimus carried Miko to the elevator to go up to the roof. Once there he set her down on a good sized rock that brought her up a fair bit to his stomach. Miko sat down on the rock as Optimus kneeled down.

"What troubles you young one?" He asked.

"Last night, it felt like something painful hit me in the head, then once the buzzing sound stopped I could hear my sisters mentally, and not with the bond that allows us to know what the other feels I could actually hear them...then when I went to sleep I guess they did do cause a blurry image of something appeared and I heard Cloe mentally said huge alien" Miko said.

"Alien?....what kind of alien?" Optimus asked.

"I don't know just that they thought of a huge alien, and that he was looking for something in the backyard" Miko frowned.

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