Chapter 3

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Ratchet couldn't believe his optics, standing on the platform hugging their loudest team member were two more human femmes laughing and crying with Miko.

Miko pulled away from them and smirked at Ratchet, said medic took a step back and was about ready to tell her to stop smirking when she opened her mouth.

"Chumps! Meet my twins, Cloe and Gina" Miko said with a smile.

"TWINS?!" The majority of the team shouted.


"Ratchet just fainted, guess it was to much of a shock to him" Arcee smirked.

"What's so shocking? So she has twins big deal" Bulkhead said standing by her side.

"Awe Bulk, you big lug" Miko smiled at her guardian.

"Just wait till them cons find out, they won't know what to do with them" Wheeljack laughed.

"They already know" Cloe spoke.

"what did you just say?" Ratchet asked waking up.

"They already know, what are you as deaf as you are old?" Cloe smirked.

"Watch it little femme" Ratchet said.

'Beep beep beep beep'

"Now what?! Starscream?" The medic blinked at the message waiting to be read.

"What does that lunatic want this time?" Arcee frowned.

"Probably needs help with repairs after getting his aft beaten again" Bulkhead sighed.

"I will go and see what he wants, please watch the girls while I'm gone" Optimus said.


Starscream was pacing back and forth, muttering under his breath. He had to know if those girls had that tool he was meant to grab a couple days ago. Megatron has beaten him for failing to grab it the first time and that he wasn't allowed back until he had it. He couldnt even get treatment from his beating before he left.

"Blasted Megatron! I'm so sick of being his punching bag.....what do I have to do to get out from under his pede?" The seeker sighed.

"Maybe leave the Decepticons" a voice said.

"Fat chance! Megatron would kill me for sure!" Starscream said after his shock faded.

"If he doesn't kill you before you get the chance" Optimus said.

" those two girls have a relic? I was supposed to bring one back when I met them, it allows whoever activates it to mentally talk with whoever they are closer to like siblings or a friend a lover even" Starscream said.

"I think they might, Miko has told me that she can hear and talk to her twins mentally, so I believe the relic has given its power to them" Optimus said.

"Great....I'm dead...dead...sigh, can you just kill me now? Or better yet have your two wheeler kill me?" Starscream said in defeat.

"Why don't you just join us? I know I'd be more than happy to have you on our side, you could even work as a spy for us" Optimus said.

".....I'm not sure I'd make a great autobot, I'm to cold sparked" Starscream said getting ready to leave for home.

"Think it over, you know how to get ahold of us, and you can bring whoever you wish with you" Optimus said honestly as he watched the seeker give him a true smile before leaving.

"Ratchet I'm ready to return" Optimus said into his comm.


Everyone watched as Optimus came back unharmed and alive, Arcee was surprised but she still didn't trust the seeker. Ratchet closed the bridge and stared at the prime.

"I gave him the option of joining us" he said.

"WHAT?!" They all yelled.

"Optimus are you mad? He'll kill us!" Ratchet said.

"We can't trust him!" Smokescreen said.

"He's not coming in this base prime" Arcee said.

"Are you all done?" He asked watching them all quiet down.

"Good, he was sent to japan to find a relic, one Miko has discribed to me and Starscream has discribed the same thing...Megatron had likely beaten him before he left the ship, it looked as if he was alone on earth for a good while...I know someday Megatron will eventually kill him and all who try to help him" Optimus said.

The others all went quiet and then started to mutter to them selves. Ratchet groaned and threw his servos up in the air.

"Oh for Primus sakes! Fine if he agrees to come he has my welcome" Ratchet said.

"If you two feel so strong about him being here I will let his crimes slide" Magnus said.

"Hey what's the big deal? So he did some bad things lots of people do bad things when at war, ok who am I and where the real me go?" Cloe said looking around.

"Yeah who are you? Cloe don't do history" Miko said teasingly.

"Cloe is right though, maybe this Megatron is to blame for how he acts. I mean if he gets beat all the time maybe not everything is his fault" Gina said softly.

"I can't believe I'm about to say this but, she's right" Bulkhead said.

"Your all nuts! Having Starscream is just asking for trouble, he'll tell Megatron where our base is, we'll all be killed!" Arcee said.

"It's a chance I am willing to take if it allows him a chance to see he can have a better life" Optimus said.

"He didn't hurt us, he could have but he didn't" Gina said.

"He said that us being triplets reminded him about him and his brothers" Cloe said.

"It's settled we wait for him to call" Ratchet said.

Miko was shocked to know that her sisters met Starscream and didn't get hurt. Or taken, but hearing her sisters talk she started to think maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

She tapped their shoulders and told them to follow her, they ran down the steps and a crossed the floor. Down the tunnel and outside, they walked around as Miko told them her idea.

A red car was driving down the old road humming. Then spotted the girls, one he knew all to well, he picked up speed and pulled up in front of them.

"Out for a stroll are we? Alone" he said and Miko knew he was smirking.

"Actually we were gonna find you" Miko said with a smirk of her own.

" were?" Knockout was taken back at that.

"Yup....we want to talk to Screamer, we know your his only friend so take us to him" Miko said.

"But....M-Megatron could hurt you three" he said.

"Keep us hidden" Miko said walking up to him placing her hands on his hood.

"Watch the finsih! I just got it all perfect" Knockout said.

"Then take us to Starscream!" Cloe said.

"Alright alright, get in" Knockout said opening his back doors.

Miko sat in the middle of her twins so she could easily talk to the con. She wasn't afraid of the medic, breakdown maybe since he almost squashed her with a pillar but Bulkhead was there to save her.

Knockout called for a bridge home and when he got it, he drove through. Soundwave was kind enough to put him in the med bay which he was thankful for. But Starscream was there waiting for him.

" girls stay quiet when I transform" Knockout said as he changed into his bipedal mode, the girls hidden in his chest.

"What's the problem?" Gina asked.

"Starscream is hurt and I don't need you three getting hurt by my tools or the energon or by Megatron" knockout muttered lowly.

The three nodded and remained still and quiet, Cloe was thinking about how to get Starscream to come to the autobots.

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