Delivery guy

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"So, Kyles, what's the rundown on your love life?" Julie passed the donut box to Alexis, taking a giant bite on the one she selected.

"Is there any rundown? Or are we still looking at a scarce love life?" Aimee asks, wide-eyed. "Is this a call for "Aimee intervention"? Because I'm very much happy to help."

"How many brothers do you have? You pawn every one of them to every single woman you meet." Violet pushes herself off her desk and spun in her swivel chair.

"Ha. Fact, Aimee," Alexis says, looking down to her black turtleneck sweater then to the assortment of donuts on the box. "Which flavor does a lesser mess?" She murmurs to herself.

Julie snaps her fingers. "Oh, how about a rundown on boss' engagement?"

"That, please." Violet's pink gloss smile plastered across her face. "She is more agreeable since getting a boyfriend."

"Understatement. I told her my article is not coming together the other day and answered with a shrug. She told me she trusts me to make it come together." Aimee's eyes sparkled. "I don't know what she meant, but it felt like a compliment."

"No plans yet. They had an intimate celebration days after Vren proposed. The official engagement is still unplanned. I think they're waiting until their niece and nephews are home," I answered, leaning on the doorframe of their office door.

Alexis finally chose herself a donut and handed the box to Violet who happily took it in greedy hands. She paused midchew, gaze skimming me over. Her eyes narrowed on my face. "I don't know. There's something different about you today."

"You mean she curled her hair?" Julie guessed in a sing song voice.

A finger self-consciously twirled a strand of my hair. I've curled my hair like I did yesterday. Now it's been two days since "the kiss" but the warm rush still lingered. It was like I was in some sort of a First Kiss High. Like I was somewhere higher than cloud nine.

Violet drags her gaze over me. "She has extra blush today?"

"I know. She has that glow." The hopeless romantic Aimee wiggles her fingers over to her face. Then she crossed her leg over the other, clasping her hands together on her lap as if ready to hear the root of the said glow.

I shake my head. "I just woke up earlier today, thus, I had time to glam up a little." Just a little. Just the tiniest bit.

Julie snorted loudly. "We've been there, honey. There's something else."

"We write about relationships. We're technically the "love gurus", Kylie." Alexis gives me a saucy wink.

Violet raises a hand. "That we are."

"Come on, Kyles. Just spill," Aimee prompted.

"Nope. There's no need." An amused matte red smile flashes across Julie's face. Her eyes weren't on me anymore. They transition somewhere else – above my head.

Three more sets of appreciative eyes followed her gaze. I had two hints: the appreciativeness in their eyes and the masculine perfume that wafted to my nostrils. I swallowed, groping for nonchalance. I spun around, face aflame.

Christian Parkinson towered over me in his dark jeans and black shirt casually rolled up to his elbows. Then further down the exposed arms, his hands held a bouquet of flowers, the yellow petals of Buttercups bright like my yellow highlighter pens.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, because I'm allowed to be confused as to why he's here early in the morning. Given I've just delivered my friends' share of donuts, it's still way too early. I stood still, waiting for that familiar breeze of irritation that drifts in whenever he shows up unexpected. That exasperation from months ago since I had the mistake of crossing Bachelor's playboy editor in chief.

There was none.

"Delivering my flowers myself," he answers with a slow grin.


"Oh." I look down to the flowers, suddenly shy. "You didn't trust the delivery guys this time?"

"They're great. I just wanna see you." His baby blue eyes went bluer than ever. (@grumpymood specifically used "baby blue eyes" for you. 😚)

Another somersault.

I opted for a snort. "Why?"

"Well, my eyes needed their daily dose of your beautiful face." He hands the flowers to me. His gaze lingered on my face, as if taking me in. His eyes glinted in approval and... something else.

I took the flowers, hoping I wasn't crushing it to my chest because a cocky Christian – that I can handle. But this sweet, heart-on-his-sleeve Christian? I'm losing my mind over him. I know I'm stepping into dangerous territory. Out of the comfort zone where nothing is at risk.

"By the way, you accepting the flowers means you say yes to lunch." He grins wickedly.

There was a clearing of throat.

Christian and I broke eye contact. Our attentions shifting to the four women with massive grins on their faces. My cheeks suddenly felt like lava, then my tongue decided to play dead in my mouth.

Luckily, Christian handled the situation way better than I did. I would be kidding myself if I say one of his haughty jokes that used to drive me up the wall actually hadn't saved me from a looming embarrassment and discomfort.

You asked for more... I delivered. *bows dramatically * Also, what do you think? Tell me on the comments below. Don't forget to vote and make my day the best there is. Love you! Xoxo

 Love you! Xoxo

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