To the rescue

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It never happened. I frowned at my monitor, my fingers stabbing the keyboard. I thought I could leave a particular experience behind when we left the cabin yesterday. It haunted me in my sleep. I was furious. And embarrassed. Okay, mostly embarrassed. The worst part is I didn't have anyone to blame. Christian and I reflected each other's faces after awkwardly jumping back from an even more awkward contact.

I couldn't be angry with him so, I'm left with a fury to tamper down because I can't take it out on anyone other than myself. I opted for shrugging the awkward encounter behind. If it were that easy, my keyboard won't be taking the brunt.


My heart leapt to my throat. "It was just an accident."

Vren looks at me with confused gaze.

"I'm sorry. I was just, um," I break off, too fazed to make up an excuse.

He nods. "Okay. I'm still confused but, okay."

He was waiting inside Audrey's office with Miles. She has gone to a meeting and won't be back until lunch – the time their nanny gets a little recess because Audrey rigidly instructed to have her lunch break specifically with the two important men in her life.

"Half an hour until she wraps up her meeting," I say, just to make up for the mishap.

Vren nods again. "Yeah. Actually, I was gonna ask if you could hold Miles for a while. Someone just screwed things up for me and I need to make a few important calls to straighten things out."

"Oh." I flushed in embarrassment. "Okay." I've seen him answer a call around Miles. The baby keeps snagging the phone from his daddy and screaming at it.

"You have to stay with Aunt Kylie, okay? Daddy won't be long." He kisses his forehead before turning to me.

I swipe my hands over my skirt and stood up. I reached for baby Miles and eased him out of his daddy's arms. "Hi, handsome."

Miles looks up to me with his big blue eyes. He had his daddy's eyes and, if not for the displeased crease of his delicate brows, he would have looked exactly like Vren. His daddy disappeared to his mommy's office in hopes of not getting disturbed. The baby gazed after his father, bottom lip thrusting forward.

I gulped. "You're not gonna cry, are you?"

He stares up to me, hands on my dress, clenching around the soft fabric. I swayed him from side to side to fend off the impending tantrum. "Your daddy won't be gone for long."

His chin shook, eyes watering.

Crap. I can't have him crying. I look around in panic. Chewing on my bottom lip, I marched toward the relationship department and blurted for help. The four women glances away from their computers and awed at the sight of the baby.

"Is that the boss' baby?" Violet squealed. "He's so cute."

"And about to throw a fit." Alexis pointed a manicured finger at me.

I gasped. "Crap. Please, tell me you know how to calm him down. Because I'm just gonna start crying if he does."

Julie winced when Miles screamed in a fit of weeping. "Shit."

"I have no idea how to make babies stop crying." Aimee stared at crying Miles in horror.

I hugged Miles closer, my hand stroking his back in futile attempt to make him stop crying. "Please, Miles. Your daddy is just on an important call."

"We're useless around babies. Sorry, Kylie." Alexis gives me a sympathizing look.

Julie stands from her seat. "We can take turns."

"Great idea. We'll go deaf together." Violet, the sweetest of the four comforts me with a smile.

Miles lets out a little sob that broke my heart. Tears brimmed his eyes. He wanted his daddy so bad I want to cry for him too.

"Oh, shit." Violet blurted as we all winced at the little scream that ripped at my soul.

"Miles, I'm begging you. If you don't stop crying, I'm gonna start crying. No one would want to see that." I swayed him gently, a knob forming in my throat.

A chuckle comes up from behind me. "Trust me, I would want to see that."

My jaw tensed, teeth gritting. Who else could it be? I've only known one human being who has the habit of showing up wherever and whenever he's not needed.

Christian brushes a finger over the baby's drenched cheek. "Hey, buddy."

Miles turns to him, lips wobbling and arms stretching toward him as if seeking for comfort.

"He wants you." I deadpanned, avoiding his eyes because it just marred my maternal pride.

The baby sobs louder, pleading me to give him to his uncle. "Take him."

"Are you sure? I couldn't impose."

I cut him a glare. "Don't pull that crap on me. You imposed so much more on me so don't start now."

Christian laughs softly and takes the baby from my arms. "Come to Uncle Christian, rhino. Aunt Kylie is such a sourpuss, isn't she?" He cooed.

My lips pursed.

"It's good to practice a display of vulnerability to women. They love that. Am I right, ladies?" He turns to the four swooning woman, mouths slightly parted.

Mine wasn't open for the same reasons theirs were. The fact that Miles stopped crying the moment Christian secured a hand over his back, blew my mind. He burrows his face on his uncle's chest, heaving out little hiccups from the tantrum.

Christian gently pecks on the side of his head. His eyes darted to mine. It was fine with me if only he wasn't grinning smugly at me. "I just want to put this out there: I'm husband material."

"No one wants to know." I snorted.

"Well, I thought you might." He winks and turns around to go back to my desk.

I frowned at the back of his head, throwing my arms across my chest.

"What was that about?" Julie asks, her tone teasing.

"Kylie?" Alexis pressed on.

"He's just naturally a colossal jerk and a showoff," I answered blandly. "I better go back to my desk." 

Happy reading, you guys! Don't forget to vote and tell me what you think on the comments below. Xoxo

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