Jealous Christian

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Christian gritted his teeth

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Christian gritted his teeth. There's a constant wringing in his gut he couldn't quite decide what to make of. Andrei and Chandra are happily chatting from across him and he would chime into the conversation in quick successions. His brewed coffee is perfect, smooth and just the right flavor he was hoping for. The coffee shop had a nice ambience and the weather is not even close to sultry.

The day is right. Except it feels wrong to see Kylie drinking her coffee with his brother, eyes crinkling, head thrown back as she laughs.

He doesn't understand his lack of high spirits after all the good news that make a wonderful morning. His niece and nephews are staying in ICU for just another week, none of the advertisers backed out from their spot on Bachelor, his writers are ahead of schedule and he had that kiss to smile like an idiot about.

However, there's only a wild scraping in his ego.

Kylie's hand traces her floral hair scarf absently, her fingers pausing on the tip of the fabric. Satin pink today. Did she choose the pink hair scarf to match her blushing cheeks? And her hair is curlier than usual. Did she curl them this morning? Whom did she curl them for?

Christian shakes his head.

Unhealthy thoughts.

His back snapped ramrod straight when he saw Matthew reaches over to Kylie. His breathing hitched in when his hand almost touched her face, then hitched out when it went over the top of her head to ruffle her hair.

He decided to take a sip on his coffee. A nice, calming sip. He put it back down the table. Coffee only tasted bitter in his tongue.

Stupid booths. Why hadn't Andrei thought of grabbing another chair if that had been the problem? He would happily sit amiss on that extra chair. He would sit on a plastic stool. Anything is better than having to sit next to Kylie and Matthew's table.

If knowing what Kylie's preferences on coffees earned his brother the chair across from her, there's a bit of injustice to that. Not that there was any sort of rivalries between him and the rest of his siblings, but for some reason he was annoyingly competitive over it.

He suffered quietly in what felt like the rest of his life. He hadn't touched his coffee. Not another sip. He lost interest on everything else and anyone else who doesn't look good in a pretty pink hair scarf.

Christian almost jumped to his feet when they finally decided to leave. He lifted himself off the chair, with intentions of slinking over to Kylie. To his utter chagrin, Chandra links arm with him. "Andrei and I need a ride back to his restaurant," she looks up, a toothy grin on her face.

"You guys walked all the way here?" He keeps the impatience in his voice.

She shakes her head like a little kid. "We came with Matthew."

"Then ask Matthew for another ride." Great. Now, he's pointing fingers.

"But he's driving Kylie back to her workplace."

"Says who?" He gave her a suspicious look.

His little sister shrugs, mischief in her eyes. "Says me."

"That's ridiculous. Kylie and I are in the same building."

Kylie and Matthew padded over to their table, ready to leave. Christian can't take another minute of Kylie with his brother, and he could kill if she spends another minute with him who seemed to be oblivious with his mounting irritation. Which is understandable because he wasn't even doing anything. What he couldn't understand is why in the world does he have a gigantic urge to tackle him.

"Matthew, you can drive Kylie back to her office," Andrei instructed.

Christian could tackle Andrei too. Knowing Matthew, he would always be happy to help.

Kylie smiles sweetly, then shakes her head. "No. I came with my car."

He holds back a sigh. Thank God. "It's all settled then. Matthew drives Chandra and Andrei to the restaurant. Kylie and I drives to our respective offices in our respective cars." And he will walk her to said car, because he deemed himself worthy of the goddamn walk.

Chandra purses her lips at him. It wasn't much of a protest, neither was it an agreement.

They walked back to the parking lot of the hospital, Kylie waving his siblings goodbye. She walked to her own car, to the furthest end of the hospital parking lot.

"What are you doing?" She finally asks when he keeps trailing her like a lost puppy.

"Walking you to your car, silly. There are so many bad people out here." He stuffed his hands to his pockets. Including me who inexplicably want you alone.

She snorted. "No one's going to rob me in broad daylight, silly," she drawled the last word as if to point out he's the one being silly.

He chuckles. "We'll never know."

They made it to her car and she gestures her arms around her. "See? I made it to my car without getting robbed."

"You got lucky you have me." He shrugs and leans beside her car door.

She looks up, brows high. "I did?"

"Yep. Don't go anywhere else without me."

Kylie opens the door to the driver's seat. "I'm going to ignore that. Goodbye, Christian."

He steps aside. "Nah, you'll see me around."

"Sending me flowers?" She slid herself behind the wheel.


"Standing behind my desk like a creep?"

"That too." He winks.

"Dropping by where I temporarily live?"

"That I can. Wait, by any chance, is that an invitation?"

"Nope." She shuts the door close and started the car.

His hands flew to his chest. "You're savage, Buttercup."

Christian stared after her car, his hand still on his chest. Warning bells sounded in his head at the sense that he's possibly gambling something on the line. He went wary. Because whatever was on the line, he's put it there willingly. For the first time, he wasn't the one captivating the woman.

He was the one being captivated.

The playboy is whipped! This is not a drill! The playboy is whipped! Again, the playboy is whipped!

lol. What do you think? Tell me on the comments below. Also, don't forget to vote! Love you. Xoxo.


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