What in Life is Going On!!

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Minhee's POV
Owwww~ Lord my head hurts. I looked around and saw we are in a cave!?!? Oh yeah we decided to 'Explore' the woods. Then got chased by wolves and then i blacked out. Hara was next to me so I decided to wake he up but in a whisper so I don't wake up the beasts. "Hara, Hara, Unnie."
She started to stir in her sleep. Then, she woke up. "Where r we Minnie?"
"We r in a cave cause we got kidnapped by wolves."
"Way to kill both of us Minhee!!"
*Snarl, Growl*
"SHIT!" We said together.
The blonde one that knocked me out earlier came closer to me, bent down onto his knee, and put his hand out to me. Hesitant I looked at his hand and into his eyes. His eyes sparkle you could get lost in them... MINHEE WHAT R U THINKING! I screamed in my mind. I looked at Hara with a 'Help me? I dunno what to do.' look and we both looked back at HIM.
"I promise I won't hurt you." he said.
Hara leaned in and whispered "He can talk!?!"

"Well no Duh ya Dipshit." I said out loud.

"Watch what you say to your Unnie Minnie!"

*Merong~* (This means you stuck out your tongue.)



"Thanks for putting us in danger!"

"Hey! You can't be blaming me! You could have told me that you didn't want to and I could've came by myself! But NOOOOO~ You said we would go together so nothing happens! And you jut said so yourself that your older cause your my Unnie! So u could've stopped this but you decided to go with it! So technically it's not my fault!"

"You said you weren't kidding so I thought we would be ok!"

"Did you forget I'm younger and my predictions aren't always right!?!"


"Go ahead and keep yelling! You're just scaring the wolves more than them scaring us~~~!"

"Oh yeah huh I forgot they were here."

Blonde one- "So you coming? I promise nothing bad will happen to you."
I took his hand and we walked out of the cave. Then my tattoo started glowing and my arm was hurting. I almost hit the floor when I felt two pair of hands catch me and pull me to their side. "Gwenchana? (Are you ok?) (Sorry I don't know if I spelt thAt right if its wrong someone please correct me and I'll fix it.)
"Neh." (Yes/Yeah)
"Is it your arm Minhee."
"Neh. Sorry about earlier when I slapped your hand away you just frightened me ... um-"
"Thank you Luhan." (Sorry I don't know how to spell the Romanized ver. of 'thank you' in Korean.)
"It's ok. So are you wondering why we sorta took you guys?"
"Um~ Yeah."
"We'll tell you guys later first close your eyes."
"Close your eyes."
*Closes Eyes*
"Ok don't open them until I tell you to. Ok?"

Hara's POV
After Minhee walked out of the cave with the blonde one the tall one told me to go outside with him too. When we got outside the blonde one told Minhee to close her eyes. Then, he signaled the others to come out of the cave.
Luhan "Hara close your eyes."
Kris "Just close your eyes it's ok."
*Closes Eyes*
"Don't open your eyes until we tell you guys to. Ok?"

Wolves' POV
We summoned the goddess from a few years back. "I see you have found them."
She smiled and then, two blue orbs were in her hands. She threw them at the girls then said "These orbs will help prevent them from telling others, remember to come here every night, and help them with their powers. Without these they both would turn into ghost. This is because they aren't human, they're Angels and without these they won't be able to contain their human form that remembers you 12. They would go back to being normal girls who won't remember this happened. Then, you can't really do anything without help." Then she flew off.

"You guys can open your eyes now."
They both turned around and opened their eyes. Their eyes aren't brown anymore! They're Blue!
"Ow, I have a headache."
"Unnie, Hara Unnie. Gwenchana?"
"We need to show you guys something."

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