have you ever had one of those days ch-7

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Have you ever had one of those days? Ch-7

The only time I was bothered by original thoughts was when Ariel was gone; when she was close that pleasant cloud took control of my mind. It or rather she pushed away the guilt and sorrow leaving only bitterness. The bitterness would tangle with anger fueling my rage. Men would pay the price. Occasionally a young woman would get caught in my wave of death but mostly just the men. In my rare moments of clarity I rationalized that Ariel hated men with the exception of Richard.

Richard was a mysterious creature to me. His eyes rarely flickered the way that hers do; mainly they were just deep almost bottomless black pits. With his tall muscular body he was attractive but felt dead inside. Ariel and I were not exactly alive but we both expressed feelings. He could control his emotions where Ariel seemed unable to contain anything. She would fly from being seemingly happy to uncontrollable rages. It was as if she were several people trapped in one body. Her child like self would be innocent and playful while in a flash she would turn to a sex maniac; Drawing in men for both feedings and personal pleasure. I had never used them for the latter; they always seemed to stay alive just long enough for me to feed. Lust was a large part of being a vampire I was learning.

Ariel was like a mother lion teaching me her cub to hunt. We would stalk our prey through the city. Lesson number one, know your preys hiding spots. Which luckily for us was any bar or club in the downtown area. This being a college town it was filled with young hearts and no one ever seemed to miss the people. I had wondered what Todd did with the bodies.

Waking to the sound of Todd's labored breathing I knew the sun had not set. My body was weak and tired even though I had feed hours before. His noise agitated me. I wanted to strangle the sound out of his body to prevent him from making those annoying sounds. Ariel and Richard had left me alone with him late last night. Richard had insisted I could not travel with them to visit the others. I was depressed not to be allowed to accompany Ariel since I still had not met another vampire. They were to meet them in a small town outside the city and would not return until tomorrow tonight so I must deal with Todd myself.

Dragging myself from the bed I entered the living area or our kill zone as I had come to see it. The wooden floors were freshly moped and smelled strongly of bleach. In the corner the small lamp burned casting shadows across the boards. This room like all the others had no windows for our protection. To my understanding sun light would not instantly kill us but rather burn the flesh slowly from the bone. If a vampire was weak from losing a lot of blood or not feeding it would speed up the process and kill them. Ariel had explained a lot of the myths to me in the past few weeks.

Crosses were no protection unless the person actually had faith in their heart and even then they only weakened your power; which that was pretty much the same thing for holly water. A stake in the heart would kill you but only because of the rapid blood loss. Wounds and broken bones healed fast as long as you had feed recently. They had all laughed at the ideal of garlic hurting a vampire. Richard had added dryly, "The only way garlic would kill is if you ate the shit and no one would come near you so you could feed." I suppose that was as good as his jokes got. Having to be invited inside someone's home first was true. It was not hard to get around though when you had a sex goddess like Ariel leading the way. Men were constantly begging her to come home with them. I was finding that my own seduction powers were not as great as hers yet. Ariel said they grew with age but Richard was pure blooded so he was always alluring.

Following the increasing sounds of Todd, I found him. He was on the stairwell by the door leading to the second floor. Narrowing my eyes I looked closely at him; his face was flushed and he panted. What the hell was he doing? Moving closer I noticed the leg of the man I had fed from sticking out from the door way. Mike or Mitch had been a hefty man weighing around two eighty. He was not my choice but rather insisted on hanging with his buddy. By the looks of him he was an outsider trying to fit in with the frat boy Ariel teased. He was so proud to be leaving the bar with our group. You just had to be a follower not a leader. Now look what that got you Mike uh Mitch. The names were beginning to fuzz together.

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