Have you ever had one of those days? ch-3

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Have you ever had one of those days? Ch-3

My mind was playing tricks on me. Or was Mathew playing a trick on me? Okay, now I am just being a paranoid delusional. Think rationally, there are no such things as vampires!  I blankly stared back at him.

"Carrie... earth to Carrie."


"You alright?"

"No I am not I have to go now." I turned to leave but he stopped me by pulling on my arm.

"Hey, at least let the doctor see you first."

I simply nodded yes because my ability to speak seemed to have stopped. I was crazy, losing my mind. He led me to a small examining room and sits me down on an examination table. The doctor, a guy in his early thirties came in. He looked clean cut but we all knew he was court ordered to volunteer because he got a D.U.I. a few months ago. Maybe he had a bottle on him now, because I sure could use a drink.

"Miss Winters what is going on with you today?" he looked down at me.

"I don't feel so good." I struggled not to scream, 'because I had a vampire in the office and I think she bit me!' He would have me locked up in the nut house in a second. Hell that's what I would do if someone came to me saying that. He listened to my heartbeat then took my blood pressure. I got agitated when he wanted to look at my throat. Then he shinned a light in my eyes causing me to wince from the brightness. Standing back while he wrote in a file he grunted a little.


"Carrie can you give us a urine sample?"


"You know standard procedure."

"No I know its standard procedure for drug addicts." I felt disgusted at his implication.

"Yes but we can also see if your dehydrated or have any urinary infections too. Besides that's quicker than waiting a week on blood work, right?"

He made some sense so I agreed. "I guess."

A few minutes later I returned to my room and he came back in; holding the results.

"Well you are dehydrated but no drugs or infections though."

"So what's wrong with me?"

"Like I said it will be at least a week on the blood work. But in my opinion you look a little anemic. Pick up some iron pills at the drug store, plenty of fluids and get some rest. Then we'll go over your results next week." He flashed a brilliant smile before turning to leave.

I left the room more confused than when I entered. Stopping by Mathew's desk I ask to see Ariel's file. Scanning the document for any information proved pointless. So I quickly signed the bottom and flipped it over to initial it. A small yellow sticky note hung to it. In very smooth penmanship a single phrase was written.

When you find you can not live with out me I will be there.

What the hell did that mean? Was that from Ariel? Flipping the paper back over I looked at the hand writing on the in take form, it was the same.

"Mathew did you write this?" I shoved the note under his nose.

"No that hot nut job must have left it for you."

He was no help so I left the clinic in a hurry for home; only stopping by the corner drug store to follow the doctor's instructions. I needed to regain my mental health. Pull it together Carrie. I pulled power aid from the shelves and a bottle of generic iron vitamins. The old clerk was ringing up some guy in front of me so I waited. When the man turned to leave I saw it was the same man from the deli.

My heart raced and a flush climbed up my face. I could not bare a repeat performance of the night before so I darted my eyes back to the cashier. The bottle of vitamins fell from my hand as I tried to set them on the counter. Squatting down to pick them up quickly his hand almost brushed mine as he reach for them. Standing there he held the bottle as he smiled.

"These want help you Carrie but I have what you need." His voice seemed to be inside my head now. I jumped to look at him but he just starred back with dark eyes. My breath caught as he slid the bottle into my hand, the instant he touched me the images began.

He was naked again touching my naked body. It felt so good but it was not enough. I needed something. His heart pounded in my ears as his mouth came close to mine. I licked my lips but did not kiss his lips. My tongue slid across his neck tasting him. Then to my shock I bit him roughly. The blood sputtered out of his vain covering my lips and sliding down my throat. It was so good, he was so good. The blood continued to spill from his neck covering me. It ran down my face and over my breast; every where it touched it felt as if I were alive. A moan escaped my lips...

"Miss, Do you need anything else?" the little old man working the register broke my trance.

I looked around but my mystery man was gone. I paid the man and rushed for my apartment. What the hell was that about? My heart pounded in my chest as I ran. Was I totally freaking crazy now? Rationalize this Carrie. You probably have a fever mixed with dehydration causing vivid dreams or hallucinations. That has to be what's wrong, right?

Closing the door to my apartment and locking the deadbolt before moving to the couch. Fur ball sat on the arm; he hissed loudly and jumped to the floor. Stupid cat he had food. What was his problem now? The iron pills were huge so it took a while to swallow them. I forced down a large bottle of power aid with them in hopes of re-hydrating quickly. Glancing at my laptop I decided to try and send my paper in for class; it wasn't perfect but it would be better than an F or incomplete. After working for an hour or so checking email I decide to go back to bed. It was just about one but I felt exhausted still as if all my energy was drained out.

The sun had set when I woke up. For the first time in almost three days I wasn't nauseated, the power aid must be helping. My mind seemed to have cleared a bit too. Then I moved to take some clothes from the closet so I could take a shower. The bath room floor was cold to my bare feet as I went in. I hurried to undress and pulled back the shower curtain. To my horror there laid Fur Ball.

His eyes blank and his body stiff; he was dead. Blood smeared the white shower stall leading back to a gaping hole in his throat. The sight of my cat made me physically ill. I dropped to the toilet and began throwing up. Why? What could have killed him? Was it still here? Tears streamed down my face as I gagged. Closing my eyes tightly trying to remove the image of his mangled body from my mind I continued to empty my stomach; Opening them when I finished to the sight of blood all in the toilet. A scream left my lips as I leap back hitting the tiled wall. No! What was going on? Someone help me? Please. Was I crazy enough to do this? I refuse to believe I ate my cat!

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