The seel pulled out its tongue and showed something blue. "Since all you want is the cascade badge," said Lily, taking the badge off seel's tongue, "you can just take it". The cascade badge was a blue badge in the shape of a rain drop.

Ash was not happy; he wanted to earn the badges by battling not, earn them for free. He was just about to have a word with them when a voice said; "Don't even think about that!" It was Misty. "For goodness sake Daisy," said Misty "are you trying to ruin the gym's reputation?" "Why hello Misty," said Daisy "have you become a great water pokemon trainer yet". "Yes you did say that you wouldn't return home until you've become one" said Lily. "I did say that," said Misty "but since you are planning to give out badges for free, I've got no choice". She turned to Ash. "Ash you will have to battle me to earn the cascade badge". "Fine with me Misty" said Ash. He was glad to be able to battle for the cascade badge.

Misty explained that that the battlefield is the pool and that they would use two pokemon each. Ash asked Misty if he could let magikarp swim in the pool while they battle. Misty allowed him. Ash released magikarp. He told her that she could swim around in the pool, while he battled the gym leader. Magikarp understood and went for a good swim in the pool.

Ash stood on a red platform, while misty stood on a blue one. The battle was ready. "Misty calls staryu" said Misty. Her brown starfish was ready to battle. Ash asked Pikachu if it wanted to battle, but since Misty was a friend; it didn't have the heart to. So Ash called out butterfree instead.

"Staryu use water gun!" shouted Misty. "Counter with signal beam" said Ash. The signal beam stopped the water gun attack. "Now use silver wind". A wind with silver crescents flew out of butterfree's wings and hit staryu head on. 'Oh dear staryu is hurt' thought Misty. She was amazed that Ash's pokemon was strong; but then again he had trained all his pokemon really well, especially his butterfree and beedrill. "Staryu use swift" said Misty. The stars from staryu hit butterfree.

Misty's sisters were watching the battle from aside. "Misty's good with this" said Violet. "Yeah," said Daisy "she may not have our looks, but she has better battling skills than us". Seel was enjoying the match and was clapping its fins.

"Butterfree use psychic" said Ash. Butterfree's eyes turned blue and fired a blue energy at staryu. That hit staryu dead on and staryu fainted on Misty's platform. "Oh no staryu return," said Misty, returning staryu to its pokeball, "well Ash you battle really well. But this battle isn't over yet. Misty calls starmie". A big purple starfish came out of the pokeball. "Starmie?" said Ash, taking out the pokedex. Starmie, the mysterious pokemon. The evolved form of staryu. Its central core glows with the seven colors of the rainbow. Some people value the core as a gem. "Butterfree return," said Ash "pidgeotto I choose you". Magikarp was watching the battle happening, underwater, and was happy that her trainer won the first match.

Ash and Misty were just about to have pidgeotto and starmie fight each other, when a large machine crashed into the gym. "Where did that come from?" shouted Misty. "Haa! Haa! Haa!" said two voices.

"Prepare for trouble," said Jessie.

"Make it double," said James.

"To protect the world from devastation,"

"To unite all people within our nation,"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love,"

"To extend our reach to the stars above,"



"Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light,"

"Surrender now and prepare to fight,"

"Meowth that's right" said meowth.

"Since you're curious about our machine," said James "we made it ourselves. And we're very proud of it". Ash realized that they were the thieves, who stole of those machine parts. "Now to show you how this machine works" said meowth pressing a button. A giant hose came out of the machine and started sucking up the water from the pool. "This is our giant vacuum and hose machine," Jessie explained. "Hey that's our water!" shouted Daisy. "Give it back!" shouted Lily. "All right" said meowth, with a smirk. Meowth pressed another button and the hose sucked out the water, hitting Ash, Misty and her sisters. Pidgeotto took cover in the air and starmie dived into the water. "Now it's time to suck up the water pokemon" said Meowth. The hose sucked up starmie, seel and Ash, who was also in the water. "Oh no!" said Misty. "Come back seel!" said Daisy.

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