Chapter 23: Haniel

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Haniel held Chaya's hand as he watched the sunset. The clouds behind him were a soft purple, and in front of him, the sky was painted with the fiery colors that only dusk could produce. Even the beauty of the moment couldn't take his mind off the past 24 hours, though. He'd nearly lost Chaya just weeks after he found him. He let him get out of his sight for two seconds, and he was gone. He failed to fight off the angels, and because of him, Chaya easily could have died.

Haniel closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It had been a stressful day. He hadn't slept in forever. He opted to stay up all night, searching for Chaya and Mavet, tracking them in the Communications Center until the trackers were destroyed. When he lost that last connection to Chaya, Haniel had a panic attack, but thankfully no one was around, and God knows he refused to tell anyone what happened. Only the determination to find his boyfriend pulled him out of that dark pit. He refused to rest until Chaya was safely in his arms. The relief of hearing Mavet's voice, then seeing Chaya on that beach...he couldn't compare it to any amount of championships in his life.

"Haniel? Are you okay?" Chaya whispered.

"What? Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Haniel mumbled. "Just tired."

Chaya leaned his forehead on his. "Irvin told me that you didn't sleep. You should really get some rest."

"I don't know if I can," Haniel admitted. "You scared me to death, Chay. I thought I lost you for a few hours there."

"I'm here now, I'm safe. It's okay." Chaya paused. "Besides, I don't think the archangels actually meant to kill us."

"What?" Haniel pulled back to look him in the eyes. "You're serious?"

"I...I think they just wanted information. That's what Jophiel said, anyway. They didn't hurt us whatsoever. In fact, I think they helped me fall asleep after they kidnapped Mavet and I. They didn't make one threatening move to us the whole time they spoke."

"Not one?" Chaya shook his head, and Haniel frowned. "That doesn't make any sense. I thought they were trying to use you."

"They seemed really confused when Mavet accused them of that, and when he asked them about the angel attack, they said that the angels weren't there on their orders, that they actually tried to stop the angels from attacking."

"Likely story," Haniel snorted.

"I'm serious, Haniel." Chaya's face tightened in conflict. "You might not believe them, but I saw the look in their eyes. I...I knew one of them. Raphael, the Archangel of Healing. He seemed pretty torn up when I didn't fully recognize him."

Haniel's forehead wrinkled in confusion. "This makes even less sense now. The angels have been trying to kill us from day one. They impersonated demons to drive us right into their arms, and they're so good at acting that they've driven Mavet half-crazy. For all we know, these archangels could be acting remorseful to win you over, while they're truly intending to kidnap you for real the next time." Haniel shook his head, squeezing Chaya's hand. "I can't let them get to you a second time, Chay. Not again. I'm not losing you."

"You're not going to lose me, Haniel," he promised.

Haniel brushed his hands through a strand of Chaya's hair. A small smile brightened his expression. "You look even cuter when you let your hair down, you know that?"

Chaya blushed. "You're too kind to me."

"I'm your boyfriend, that's my job."

Haniel melted at the sight of Chaya shyly preening. He kissed the blonde on the cheek, then led the way back into the cave. The majority of the demons were winding down for the night. Only a few night patrols remained alert and out in the open. As Haniel entered the barracks, he wondered what Mavet was doing in his cell. He didn't like the idea of his friend spending the night in a prison cell again, but he couldn't go against Leviathan, and Mavet had done something pretty stupid. He just wished he knew the truth.

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