9.Paradise Can Be On Earth

Start from the beginning

"Come sit down, I don't have a blanket with me but the grass seems to be well-formed enough to lay on." I motioned for her to sit beside me and took out a few witchlights to give us a better glow. She sat beside me her eyes admired and seemed to be entranced by the bewitching view of her surroundings. However, my eyes seemed to look at her enchanting ones, whose green reminded me of this whole alluring view. Perhaps that's why I was first captivated by her, not knowing a single thing about this girl but just seeing her was enough to be fascinated. Though I had seen much of her, never before have I seen her eyes lighten up in such bliss. She seemed more relaxed than ever before. It was as if all her defense was down and I could now through her walls which were only for a second transparent. For a brief second I could see her glow with extacity, with a lovely smile plastered on her face.

She composed herself, after soaking all of the enticing view, to her former stance, not so much a cold one but one that wasn't as innocent and like a child smiling. She still had a small smile not taking her eyes of anything that she stared as previously but it wasn't the same smile.

Third person

"You know I spent my whole childhood in Idris and never have I seen something so stunning. Midnight flowers were my favourite and almost every night I sneaked out of the Manor house through the balcony and into the garden to see them bloom. Sometimes I even tried to draw them but I could never capture their beauty as well on paper." Clary let out a small laugh as she reminded herself of what her childhood was like before it went all downhill.

"I spent 10 years of my life in Idris too before getting adopted by the Lightwoods which I am thankful for. I discovered this area of the forest when I was younger and this place was always compelling. I came here a few times when I was younger and have continued to do so since starting the Shadowhunter Academy, this being the last year I often take late night walks here and return in the morning. Sometimes I even fall asleep here when I bring a blanket."

" Why do you need so many witchlights? Are you scared from the dark? "

" No red, nothing like that. I often take late night walks and prefer if I don't trip and injure my gorgeous face; I also brought snacks for our little trip. It's why I carry a backpack around plus the occasional throwing knives if there are any werewolves or something but I don't worry about it because they are at the other end of the Brocelind forest. What about you red, are you scared of anything? "

" No I don't think so. "

" Come on everybody is scared of something. " Jace edged her to talk.

" I'm not entirely sure, maybe I have one. What do you fear? " Her voice seemed softer than before and her glimmering eyes seemed to show interest in knowing things about him.

"I don't fear much but there are two things that I fear. One of them will probably seem stupid but it's truly terrifying to me."

"OK... so what are those two things?"

"The first is disappointing the Lightwoods and those I care about..."

"Why would you ever disappoint them?"

"Well I don't care about many people in my life but I don't want them harmed because of my reckless and impulsive decisions because I know I can be both. I don't talk about this with many people, actually pretty much no one. Occasionally I have talked to Izzy and Alec but not directly about this. "

"Jace Herondale you would probably be the last to disappoint, we all make stupid decisions but those around that truly care would stick around no matter what. I don't open up to people either, not since my mother's death. I haven't opened up to people ever because I never really had a family but you got lucky with the Lightwoods and I'm not saying you have to talk about your feelings but I am saying that you three will always stick up for each other plus Magnus and Simon. "

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