5.Watch, Defend, Attack & Strike

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I headed to the training room of the academy right after I changed into jeans and a more comfortable top. I grabbed a seraph blade and a few throwing knives so I was prepared. I was ready for the clash.

I was waiting several minutes before Sebastian decided to show up. He was a moron if he thought that he would beat me.

"Are you ready princess?" Sebastian asks as he pulls out his blade from his combat belt. He whispers the angel's name and it lights up.

I scoff as anger rose up in me. "Call me princess again and I will make sure you won't stand on your legs for at least a week."

He rolls his eyes and grins maniacally at me, striking first towards my left shoulder.

"Whatever you say red." As he brings his blade at my shoulder I block it with a dagger and pulled out one of my kinjals to attack his stomach.

He moved out of the way as he saw what was coming and then came at me again but this time coming for my legs with the blade after he punched my rib. I winced a bit but the pain was bearable and it didn't falter any of my other attacks.

After multiple attacks from both of us being blocked, I finally managed to kick his torso making him stumble. I took this chance to front flip and turn to attack either side of him, where he was vulnerable. Momentarily I grazed his shoulder but nothing to major. He stood up thrusting his sword forward aiming at my stomach, it was a perfect angle for him but I jumped back and proceeded to block his blade with my kinjals.

We were sending attacks at each other and a few of mine managed to make a small impact but none of his did.

I saw Izzy, Alec, Simon and Jace come in. Jace seemed perturbed as my eyes locked with his. I lost concentration for a second and that's when Sebastian punched my stomach. I flinched a little but you couldn't tell and that's when I jumped on him and turned myself around making him trip which caused him to fall to the floor. I trapped him with my kinjals so there was no escape.

"Do you surrender Verlac?" My voice was stern and impatient.

"You are a fiesty one. My answer is no red." He smirked but I couldn't take it anymore, I was vitriolic.

"Think again." I cut his shoulder, not deep but enough so he would give up a fight he wouldn't win, and I went over to the others who stared in astonishment. Their Jaws were dropped to the floor.

"What?" I asked making it look casual.

"By the angel! Remind me never to make you angry." Isabelle was first to break the silence. "I knew you would win but congratulations." She pulled me into a hug. I was not an affectionate person but with her it was different so I hugged back.

"You're good little red." Jace said, a spirited smile spread across his face.

"Expect no less." I replied my eyebrow raised at the fact Jace was doubting my abilities.

"I already know you are an exemplary fighter but this proves it more. Well you are not as fool-proof as I am but but you are still ideal. Do you want to train?" Jace asked in a sanguine manner.

He was getting on my nerves so I kicked his shin.

"Ow!" He said almost falling to the ground but managing to keep his balance. Izzy burst out in laughter while I smiled mischievously.

"Fix your ego then I would take you up on that offer, besides I am going shopping with Izzy because she seems like better company even though it's not really my thing. You might want to get that fixed with an iratze, Jace. I would do it for you but you infuriated me so I'm not. See you... " I blew him a kiss teasingly and me and Izzy walked out of the training room laughing.

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