Chapter 14: Haniel

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"This seems a little unnecessary, doesn't it?" he remarked, wincing as the ropes burned his wrists.

"I find it acceptable to take precautionary measures against a rather uncooperative human," Trevor said lazily. His eyes bored right through Haniel. "Are you willing to tell me the truth, or do I have to show you a live feed of Cordelia's incarceration?"

Haniel hoped his eyes didn't betray his hammering heart. "I'll tell the truth."

"Good decision. Now then..." Trevor leaned over Haniel's chair. "What are you?"

"Soccer player, writer, musician, and young, dumb, and crazy. What are you?"

Trevor slapped Haniel across the face. He gasped at the stinging sensation in his cheek, eyes watering. "A fresh dose of reality. We've been watching you for years, Haniel. We already know about your boring, senseless habits- and that ungodly sarcastic wit. What we want to know is why you're suddenly showing signs of superhuman activity."

Haniel furrowed his brow. "What?"

"You surely must have noticed changes, haven't you? Faster healing, stronger muscles, fighting instincts, a connection with life in general? Two superhumans showing up in your hometown?"

"Uh, Trevor? If you haven't noticed, I'm as human as it gets. Chaya and Mavet just happened to show up in the same place at the same time."

"Then how do you explain their strange connection to you?"

Trevor's eyes twinkled as Haniel struggled to find something to explain it away. Haniel himself was at a loss for words; why were Chaya and Mavet connected to him? Was there actually something different about him? But there couldn't be! He was just a normal human being, trying to survive high school so he could get to college! All these odd things happening to him were just a coincidence...right?

"You see, Haniel, there's something about you that's attracting two very powerful individuals to your side. The only way to attract power is to have power, so one only needs to put two and two together to see the truth. You possess something, Haniel, that is power beyond human imagination. You have to know what you are by now. You're going to tell us what it is, now."

Haniel spluttered as he searched for something to say. "Trevor- seriously- I don't- I've never even suspected myself of being a standout human, let alone supernatural. Chaya and Mavet have powers, not me. I mean, my parents are perfectly human! How can I be anything but human?"

Trevor sighed dramatically. "Must I prove everything to you?"

He motioned for one of his guards to step forward. Taking a packet of a neon green substance out of her hands, Trevor pulled a needle out of his pocket and loaded the syringe with it. Haniel's heart skipped a beat when Trevor turned toward him with a wicked grin on his face. Trevor pulled up one of Haniel's sleeves and found a clean area on his deltoid.

"What are you doing with that?" Haniel said sharply.

"Since you do not believe a word I say lately, I'm going to give you proof." Trevor injected the needle into Haniel's arm, releasing every milliliter of fluid into his body. "If you are superhuman like I'm saying you are, your body will successfully clear itself of the poison. If you're human...well, you're in for a rough ending."

Haniel suddenly clenched his fists, a burning sensation filtering through his arm, little by little. It spread through his body ever so slowly, like a snake slithering toward its prey. Cold sweat broke out all over Haniel's skin. His breathing became hitched, like someone had stuffed his throat with cotton balls. As the poison spread, it amped up the pain. Before long, Haniel's veins were on fire, and he couldn't help the screams that escaped his lips. It was agony like he'd never imagined was possible. Even the day after knee surgery, when his pain medicine wore off, couldn't compare to the white-hot torment he was feeling now.

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