Chapter 6: Sophie's POV

Start from the beginning

"I mean, sure, if it's okay with you guys." Chase shrugged.

"Great! See you then!"


During lunch at school tomorrow, it was just me and Chase. A group of girly-girls(they were wearing sundresses and pink) came and sat down next to us.

"I'm Christina. You two look like newbies. Want some help?"The girl that looked like the leader of the pack asked us.

"Oh, no thank you, we're fine." I insisted.

"All the boys are watching you with googly eyes, redhead." Christina told me.

"Really?" I blushed.

"We need to make sure you don't mess shit up with them." another girl said.


Christina and her friends ignored me and sat down. I glanced at Chase in confusion.

"Oh, they like you too, Rapunzel." Christina said, looking at Chase.

"Uh-call me Chase, thank you." Chase said, with wide eyes.

"Ooh, what's it short for, Chelsea?"

"Nope-just Chase."

"I'm going to call you Rapunzel." Christina said, as if it was an official law now. She reminded me of Stina, but less snobby and mean. "Redhead, what's your name?"


"Well, Kaydence, first of all, don't flirt. Act like you don't care-"

"You sound like Steve Harrington."

"Oh my god, isn't he, like, so hot?" another girl squealed.

"Um, not really, no, and that's not his real name. It was just a joke."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm Eve. But seriously, don't flirt. NEVER flirt."

"When exactly did I ask for this?"

"You didn't," Christina said, "But we're helping anyway." 

"At the party." Eve said, "Wear a dress. They'll swoon over you!"

"Um, I'm not much of a dressy person." I mumbled.

"Okay, we're going shopping. After school. Phone, gimme." Christina help out her hand and I hesitantly gave her my phone. She put her number in and gave it back to me. "Okay-when I say I'm ready, meet me in the front of the mall. Rapunzel-you come too. You two are going to look AMAZING when you get to the party. The boys will be head over heels!"


After school, me and Chase went to the others apartment. I was really excited to see Alden and Della. But I also wasn't.

I rang the doorbell and they unlocked the door from the apartment. We took the elevator up to the third floor and knocked on their door.

Biana opened with a big smile. "Yay! You're here!" We walked inside and Alden went pale when he saw me.

"Sophie?" He mumbled which cause Kesler and Della to turn, and they had the same reactions.

"I'm really sorry, you have the wrong person." I lied. "A couple of people have made that mix up. I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"Oh, no, really, it's no big deal." Alden held his hand out. "I'm Alden-Biana and Fitz's father."

I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Kaydence, and this is my cousin Chase."

I did the same with Kesler and Della, and everyone sat down and we all talked for a little while and then my phone buzzed. "I'm sorry, one minute," I checked the message. It was Christina.

(Bold is Christina, Italic is Sophie)

Redhead! Be at mall in 5. Bring Rapunzel. Eve is with us too.

K. On my way.

"I'm sorry to leave so soon, but we have to go." I told them. We said our goodbyes and left.

"How are we going to get there?" Chase wondered as we left the apartment.

I smiled wickedly. "We teleport, of course."

A/N: Wow, another long chapter.


Have an amazing day!

-Hemispherical Turtle

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