weird dude

70 10 10

Unknown number: 



                                                                                                            hello, who is this ? 

Unknown number:

             how does it feel...                                                                                                                                    

Unknown number: have something that is not yours?                                                                                


                                                                                                           what do you mean?

Unknown number:

     simple, that little thing that you are holding is mine.


                                                    ah so you are that weird dude from the airport.

Unknown number:

   haha, i'm amused , so you actually remember me and still did this just to get my number


                                                                                                         did WHAT now?🤨

Unknown number:

   oh please , spare me the pretend-to-be-innocent act 


      wait, do you really think that I stole your phone to get ur number 


                                                      lol I'd rather steal a mint flavored gum 🤤

Unknown number:

  sweetheart , I'm just stating facts here, and also your gum taste is weird.

Unknown number:

 although stealing is  a very unique way of flirting tbh 


                             Oh , sweetheart, your intelligence levels are scaring me

Unknown number:

well thanks for noticing 😏                                                                                                             


                    They are so low i'm afraid you can mistake a flirt from an insult         


                                                           never mind, you already did that so 😗         


                                                         and I may know why you dislike mint flavor


                                                                                                      cuz u lack judgemint                                                                                                                              

Unknown number:

Thank you for showing me how bad jokes can get ,  for your sake I will hide it from my talented humor

Unknown number:

+if your goal was embarrassing me , well that failed ( like your love life)

Unknown number:



                                     my eyes block bitchyness , can you repeat that please

Unknown number:

 smooth , unlike your life

          *you blocked this contact , thereby no further messages can be sent by it*  

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