imma kill this dude

53 6 8

(Next day , 2:30 am)

*your POV*

It's been hours and I still can't get this right. My whole life is going to shatter if this fails again. 


Yes , I'm currently trying to master 5 stars in Just Dance.

Am I good at dancing? Nah I suck.

But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? 

The thing is, I already got 5 stars before in this particular song, but now it says 3 stars.


like, EXcuSE mE bitch?! Who do you think I AM?


So let me introduce myself, you know that introvert that has 3 friends and stays in her own world, yes that's definitely NOT me.

I'm basically what CRAZY would look like if it were a person.

Don't get me wrong though, I may be crazy, but I'm not an extrovert. That's why I have only three friends, who are angels brought to earth to control my inside demon.

I wonder how they handle me, gotta admire their patience.

When I said they are angels I meant it in the literal way, they could have said that they were made from holy water and I would've believed them.

How can they be so pure when not even confessing my sins can cure my dirty mind?

Once I told them about fan fictions, and you know what reaction I got?


Not that I expected for them to know what fanfics were anyways.

sad sad life , no one to relate with my usual dirty thoughts.

UGH. My eyes are literally begging to shut and rest, because it's I-don't-care hours in the morning. 

Friggin' Just Dance had to pick a fight with me didn't it?

I might as well try once again, then i'll get my precious sleep. 

Stubborn much? hell yes, fight me.

The song starts playing again as I pick up the remote and let my legs guide me. 

Maybe if I put the remote closer to the console it can capture my moves better and give me more points. I point it at the red light glowing from the console.


I start laughing as I see the Perfect sign next to my name on the screen.

Oh i'm so smart *wips hair dramatically*

I wobble my body in peculiar angles and finally, the song comes to an end.

My legs collapse, leaving me panting on the cold floor. My eyes open slightly just to catch the score typed in front of me.


I'm a talented dancer, that's what I am. I would totally dominate Dance moms, I mean,  look at that score! 

Sweet baby Jesus.

Has anybody in the history of dance ever gotten 6 stars ?

I THINK NOT ( well not true but let me enjoy this moment of glory please)

My dumb self rolls around in excitement and takes tons of pictures of the great accomplishment.  Because why not ?

After all the dramatic self-absorbing  praises to myself I head to my precious room.

Ahhh how I wish I could marry my bed.

I jump to it and cover my body with a fluffy mantel. That's when I feel a presence beside me.

" LOKI! I told you that my room is off limits on Fridays. " I say as my dog rests his head on my tummy." Well whatever , just stay on your side okay?"

My mind oozes off as I cuddle with my pillow. Sleep already finding its way to me, relief starts to fill me and-----



Who dares disturb my sleep?

I swear I'm going to kill this person *sharpens imaginary knives*.

The sound comes from that strange phone that  I accidentally took with me .

The weird dude's phone.

Now I know who to murder.

My arm stretches , allowing my lazy hand to pick up the device. My vision adjusts to the bright screen , which shows an incoming call from that bastard. I glance at the time, but that only makes me more infuriated. 


*killing mode activated*

My finger furiously presses the green button, accepting the call. Then I bring the phone to my ear, trying not to wake Loki up.

"i'm going to sneak inside your house in your most vulnerable moment and make you scream" I whisper and hang up. 

That weirdo keeps getting on my nerves, ignoring him doesn't work , blocking him neither. I just need to give him his phone back and I'll be free.

Hmm , free, what a nice word. With that thought I close my eyes and make my way to dreamland.

Little did I know that the person on the other side of the line interpreted that threat as an invitation to make a move. 

Texts from a strangerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें