Epilogue-Just a Dog of War

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As her set of dazzling golden eyes opened, Mei yawned. It was always something that happened when she woke up. It was voluntary at first, because she found it to pair best with stretching her body out. But it developed into something she did automatically, like breathing or even walking. If she had been a Neurologist instead of an Heroic Gadget Designer she would've been bored. Sure, there's a lot of stuff to learn about the brain, but nothing could ever beat doing hard manual labor. At least in her book.

She lazily grabbed for her phone while still laying down, the right half of her face buried in the soft down of the white pillow. When she felt the hard brick-like object, she grabbed ahold of it and powered on the display. She quickly looked at the time and date. "Dammit," she jolted upwards in bed, "I'm going to be late!" A black shirt with stripes covered up most of her chest, luckily it was something that she only wore to sleep. She never wore it outside of her home because she didn't want to get slack-jawed stares of awe from idiots gawking at her. She may have been old, but she still looked great. For being 47 she only looked to be in her mid-twenties. It was something about her genes that she appreciated, but also despised. They made her stand out just a tad bit more due to the pink color that was her hair. She had inherited it from her mother, otherwise it would've been jet black or something similar.

But she didn't have time to go into the depths of her Gene pool, she had somewhere to be in two hours. Which is why she took off her shirt and walked towards her closet. The black clasp of her bra was soon overtaken by a black dress she had planned to wear. She knew that it would be cold so she pulled out a pair of stockings. You'd never guess that her slender legs could've harbored any type of muscle, but her legs were well toned. It was a perk of having to constantly move around while holding heavy inventions. The same could be said about her upper body's muscles, they were almost as toned as her legs were. She slid her black shoes on after grabbing a coat. It was bulky enough to block any traces of the wind from affecting her, which is why she wore it so often. But after five years of constant wear and tear it was finally breaking down. She had meant to take it to a tailor to make it as good as new, but she was always either too busy with her own schedule or simply forgot. She hoped that no important seams would break as she put her arms through the holes. She sighed in relief before moving to the zipper, she tried her best to pull it up without the teeth breaking apart, but that proved futile. For today, she'd have to go with having her entire front side exposed to the cold. And that's exactly what she did when she stepped outside of her home. A blustering wind passed by, causing a few strands of her hair to fly within it and some of her coat to be blown away with it. She slightly shivered as she exited through her gate, the sun illuminating her face as she made her way down the road.

Her first stop was a bakery that was less than 15 minutes from her house. She only went there once a year to pick up the same treat. It was a snowflake shaped sugar cookie that she could only ever find from there. Growing up, there were always some within her house. Whether they were in the fridge, on the table, or even in her sister's room. There was never a day that they weren't in her house...for a while at least. Now she had them around the house for about a week or two every year. Her ears perked up when she heard the familiar chime of the bell, combined with the scent of fresh pastries and sugar really brought back fond memories.

It was of a simpler time, her mother had just come back with her and Kohana. They had ran some errands around Tokyo, although going to that bakery wasn't an errand. She could hardly recall the words that were spoken. All that she remembered was the brimming smile of her sister, it was something to behold and adore. Which is what their mother obviously did. Although, she did love them both equally before passing away. Especially when she stared at the intricate design of the sweets she picked out. The cookies were shaped like a snowflake, which must've been where she developed her love for the shape. "Here you go miss," the clerk of the store handed Mei a cardboard holder that had 50 cookies within it. She accepted it with a smile and walked out of the store, she had paid for it in advance about two weeks ago. She bid farewell before heading off to her second destination.

I'm Weak, But Tougher Than Iron (A My Hero Academia Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now