Chapter 2: Little Girl

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Krater tried to kill a little girl after killing her mother. That day he felt certain attraction towards that little girl. He tried to see her face but failed. She ran and prayed for herself and her mother's life in the temple of Moon Goddess.

But Krater wickedly killed her mother and then he tried to enter the temple for killing her. The moment he stepped on the floor he was paralyzed for 50 years because that day Moon Goddess cursed him. Curse was known as MoonKissed. He never saw her face.

When little girl understood that Krater didn't even spare her mother's dead body for funeral but he dumped it and her soul in purgatory for eternity she went crazy for revenge. She cried for days and then started worshipping Moon Goddess to grant her the powers to avenge her mother.

At last Moon Goddess called her and she found herself in a beautiful place full of light. There she saw Moon Goddess who asked her what she wanted. Little girl replied that she wanted her mother's soul out of Purgatory.

She also wanted to be the reason to give Krater endless pain for every single second of his life. She wants to separate him from his most precious beloved one.

Goddess told her that she took her mother's soul in heaven because of her own kind deeds. She also warned her that revenge doesn't come easy. It gives pain to both the sides and she still doesn't know her true identity before fighting but she didn't listen as she was going insane for revenge.

At last Goddess gave her the boon and told her to leave her own FireFlame Pack as she can't achieve her negative wishes at such a positive place. She left. For 47 years she was wandering here and there in different packs living with different families.

Surprisingly she physically never grew more than 9 years old and therefore never turned into a wolf. People thought she got some medical issues. Even she herself accepted it.

One day she ended up in BlackCurrent Pack and drifted to unconsciousness. When she was awake she lost all her memories. She was like a clean slate. She couldn't even remember her own name.

Luckily when she was awake she was in the arms of a very strong and beautiful woman named Livana. She was the Luna of BlackCurrent Pack. She felt drawn towards little 9 year old girl and therefore took her home.

Livana's baby girl called Myra was abducted by rogues when she was 1year old and she herself was attacked brutally by them. She lost the ability to bear any children further.

It was believed that Myra was killed by rogues. But nobody could find her dead body which gave her a hope of her daughter being alive. This was too much for her to bare. Ever since that day she was a living dead.

To everyone's surprise this little girl looked exactly like Livana. This little girl looked like a 9 years old and coincidentally even looked like her abducted daughter Myra who also should be of 9 years old by this time if she survived.

Livana thought that maybe her daughter who was abducted by rivals some how came back to her. She believed it was Moon Goddess answering to her prayers. She took her home and treated her well. Alpha Orton was going crazy with happiness.

Later little girl was legally announced heir to the Pack by Alpha Orton & Luna Livana of BlackCurrent Pack. Everyone believed that it was their lost daughter Myra. Little girl after loosing her memory and being technically adopted started to age normally.

3 Years Later...

Krater's point of view...

I just woke up from my 50 years of paralysis. I so needed to fly in the sky in my true demonic form. Unfortunate for those mortals because they can't see us. It's been 50 fucking years since last time I was flying to catch a prey. Best part is I am pretty sure I will beat Zaiden again this time and catch a prey before him.

Zaiden is my twin brother. We both together are invincible and at the same time we both are inseparable. We always terrorize the Packs who are the staunch supporters of Moon Goddess.

Last time something horrible happened to me while I was trying to kill that little one after killing her mother. Bitch Goddess is going to pay for drifting me to 50 years of paralysis.

I don't know what happened after that but when I was awake today after 50 fucking years
Zaiden told me that when I drifted to unconsciousness he ran towards me and saved me from falling on the floor of the temple and teleported us back to hell with his power.

Since the Illusion Magic was broken that fake woman and her daughter in our illusion disappeared immediately who were telling their pack members that they were fine and that there was no trouble around.

After the illusion was broken they saw me screaming in my real appearance, they also saw Zaiden screaming my name in his real appearance and at last they saw the little one inside the temple crying and loudly saying the prayers with complete dedication.

They immediately shifted in their wolve form but before they could attack us Zaiden brought me back to hell and ever since I was lying on my bed. Cara the sorceress of Underworld was asked by Zaiden to heal me and bring me back but she said it's nearly impossible for her to overpower the curse of MoonKissed.

But she was doing what she can do. My father Hades, King of Underworld is famous for his bad temper. He got really furious to hear that Cara cannot do anything so he threw her son Andrew in purgatory river and told her that he will be taken out when I will wake up.

Purgatory river is the worst part of hell. It is a river with fire flowing in it and creatures screaming within it. It is surrounded by iron thorn trees which has sharp blade as its branches. Those branches are immersed in lethal poison.

Poison is lethal to mortal but for an immoral it is enough to paralyze them for 12hours of horrid pain. Even an immortal like us sons of King can go through immense pain in it. For any mortal 30secs in purgatory river is equal to immense continuous physical tonture and pain for 30 years. Her son was a mortal soul so I can't imagine what he went through in there for 50 years!

She begged for mercy but he dismissed her. Cara was like a motherly figure for us so hurting her wasn't something we ever wanted or appreciated. She practically did everything for us ever since we came in this world.

Because bitch Goddess killed our mother right when she gave birth to us. Bitch Goddess didn't wanted our mother to give us birth so she killed her when my father was away as a punishment because she went against her.

My father told us this with his broken heart of loosing his Queen when we were 6 years old. Since that day we sworn to him that we will destroy bitch Goddess slowly and painfully. So as promised with time we became the definition of Evil to destroy bitch Goddess.

After that Cara was continously working day and night so hard to make a cure for it. In the end she did and I woke up today. Later her son was also taken out of purgatory.

It became too much for me to bear that I became an embarrassment for our kind so I tried to come out to hunt and as usual Zaiden joined me. We decided to hunt together again. According to Cara I must hunt to become stronger again because now I lost all my strength to carry or use my powers! You have to pay for this bitch!

This time we decided to race and see who catches the prey first and return to hell so we both left in opposite directions.

While I was flying above the territory of BlackCurrent Pack I saw a little girl  in the garden of her Pack playing hide and seek with her mother. I tried to close my eyes and use my magic to acknowledge their identity. It wasn't working at first but then after trying several times I successfully managed to acknowledge their identities.

Little girl's name was Myra and her mother's name was Livana. She was the Luna of BlackCurrent Pack. Her husband Alpha Orton was a staunch devotee of Zaiden and I smiled at them. I loved those with all my might who worshipped our kind.

If Myra ever looked in the mirror then she will find Livana staring back at her. But to my surprise I smelled Purity, Positivity and Kindness from her and Livana. Maybe they aren't aware of Alpha Orton's advances towards Satan. But with time it will consume his entire Pack. So that wasn't a problem.

For some weird reason I feel drawn towards this little girl Myra. Last time when I felt drawn towards a little girl I ended up being paralyzed for 50 years!

But connection to this little girl Myra was making me feel a weird feeling which was coming from the core of my chest....

Betrayed Love: Beginning Of The RivalryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora