ø. 𝖆𝖜𝖆𝖐𝖊

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"Surrounded by madness, surrounded by hunger, surrounded by everything but death, I knew death was our only way out."

- 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream' (Harlan Ellison) -

ø. 𝖆𝖜𝖆𝖐𝖊

Chaeyoung was sweating, the glossy shine and salty drops of sweat flowing down from her forehead to her neck. Soon enough, her shirt was covered in a sheen of her own cold sweat. Crunching ringing through her ears, the rampant thudding in her heart and the clear goosebumps she was experiencing -- represented by the strands of hair on her arms that stood up straight.  Every minute, every second, the ringing was deafening. The voice was distorted, but she knew it was the voice of a woman. Her mind was haunted by that one voice, it was alluring like a siren luring a sailor rowing a boat in with their hypnotic voice. She was the sailor.

She hasted in the growing heat while she knew the thing was creeping out on her from behind.  A door materialized right in her eyes, she couldn't think straight and the fear of the unknown drove her to the edge. Multiple crows fluttered their wings out of the door that creaked opened by itself, piloting passed her without a single hesitation. The room was pitch-black. She shouldn't have entered but the thing wasn't there with her, perhaps this was the right thing, she has successfully avoided that thing.  It's too early to celebrate. The lights flickered, in the room, there was nothing but a bed and endless background noises of vivid lights buzzing. She hesitantly wondered if she should approach the bed or not, was it the right idea? The more she stared at the bed without a single blink, the more it wanted to crave her presence closer, it was bewitching.

Without comprehending, she finds herself being attracted in by the bed and it enticed her desires. Her hands grasped onto the white sheets of the bed and the lights started to flicker on-and-off in a rapid tempo. She came to comprehend that she shouldn't have entered, the signs of the crows flying away was a dead giveaway. She was frozen in her place -- it had expected her arrival and the thing was there. The imprints of something, it represented a silhouette covered in blood and gothic features -- she couldn't see it's face but deep down, her mind instinctively knew who it was.

She couldn't move, paralyzed in her tracks, no matter how hard she tries. The urge to run away was evident but her body wasn't listening to her, and she herself was too dreaded to think rationally. The fear in her eyes -- that thing was feeding on her fear and it draws the thing closer to her. A creature that feeds on her fear -- a symbol of emotions -- it loved the look she had on her face. Her fingers trembled, the thing urged her closer to her demise. The scent of her nervous sweat permeated the air. She couldn't look away, her gaze was forced to lock on her, it wanted her to look at it at all cost.

Every breath she took, every step she took. She was on the verge of tears and couldn't muffle a scream out other than moans of pain. She could hear her own rampant thudding in her heart and the thing could. The sound of her very own heartbeat was echoing -- the echo of a servant's speech bereft for though the thing opened it's mouth and a curse was imposed from it, sporting every sentence clearly and loudly -- to itself, atleast. For her, she's hearing nothing and the sight was uncanny.

The lights flickered off completely. It was dead silent, the silence was deafening and she experienced the threat of being mocked by it. It reminded her that this is inescapable -- the only sound that she could hear is her own heartbeat. The lights flickered back on and the thing vanished. This was too early to celebrate. She glanced around the room, a shudder went down her spine when she felt two hands wrapped around her neck from behind -- those hands resembling those from a decomposed corpse.

A raspy and distorted voice escaped from the thing's lips -- lights hummed in dull colours and started to express it's wrathful emotions through it's flickers and distorted noises. "If only I didn't gave birth to you, this wouldn't happened! If you hadn't met her, this wouldn't happened either! If only you two didn't meet! I wouldn't have died! It's all your fault!"

Killing Instinct ➳ 𝖒𝖎𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖊𝖓𝖌 (Book 2) | ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now