Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Mallory's POV

Today was the day back from our 4 day weekend, I wasn't looking forward to school. There are to many annoying people, I did miss my bestfriend though. She had gone to New York for a week and I had gotten my phone taken away by a teacher so we had little to no contact. I drove to school early to finish some homework for my english class. I tried to get to the labrarie I really did, but Brendon my ex from 2 months ago decided it was the perfect time to piss me off, he was wrong. Anyways here i was trying to understand why this dumbass was wasting his time. He should know about my reputation, I did break up with him a week after we had sex so it's pretty obvious I'm not ready for commitment.

"Mallory! I love you" haha if I had a dollar for everytime I've heard that. I think I'd be rich.

"No you don't brendon, your dick liked me and it obviously liked the walking cheeto with blonde extensions while you were fuckin her in the locker room" I had caught him last week with Ashley the school slut.

"How did you...? That didn't mean anything Mal!"

Honestly I was handling this situation very well since he was getting on my last nerve and I knew I was going to get bitched at for not doing my homework.

"I saw you unfortunately, our relationship is already over so i dont care but your dumbass doesn't seem to realize it. Brendon it's been 2 months leave me alone, build a bridge and get over it. Heck I was over it before it even started"

I smiled at him sincerely just because I knew it was going to piss him off

"You little slut you probably gave me herpes." Brendon had quite a temper when begin rejected hence the reason he just spat that out at me agrily.

"No baby that might have to do with Ashley. If anyone should be worried about catching an STD it's defiantly you just not from me." I sighed out annoyed

This crap was annoying me and I needed to get to class. But brendon wasn't done his rant yet.

"You weren't even worth my time. You're just a cu-"

"Shut up ok. Just move on you're the most annoying person ever. I can't afford to be late for class so I'm just going to let you wallow in your puddle of self pitty." I flashed him the peace sign with my fingers. And heard him grunt with annoyance at me leaving without letting him get the last words

Ive never had my heart broken so i have no reason to be this much of a love hater but i just didnt believe in it and i wasnt about to waste my time trying to find it Playing with guys heart strings was much easier and entertaining so I enjoyed my title of top player at this school. I wasn't always the classiest person but my legs weren't wide open for everybody like Ashley's.

I found my way to my 11th grade English class.

When I walked in my teacher who resembled a precise copy of Peter Griffin waited for the bell to ring and started drowning about Shakespeare the great writter of no one gives a crap.

Faye walks in a couple of minutes late, with her tall struture,brown hair, green eyes and a model like face, she's a stunner. I squeal, she turns around and winks at me. After she picks up the work she missed while on vacation she takes the spot beside me. We listen to the teacher for 20 minutes and started individual work about the Macbeth play. We'll probably have a project soon.

I start questionning why we didn't just read Harry Potter instead, not that I woul actually read it but that seemed like a more interesting book.

Someone knocked on the door and a few seconds later the principle walked in and introduced us to a new guy.

"Class this is James, I presume you'll make him feel welcome."

Some really attractive guy moved from

behind the prinicipal.

This guy, James i guess, had a nice face and I wouldn't mind finding out what's underneath that plaid shirt and beige shorts. The guy has killer green eyes, well styled hair and just screams tumblr boy. Someone get me some water to quench my thirst it's not normal to be that hot, finally a fresh face.

"I had no idea a school could contain so many gorgeous girls." James smirked and winked flirtingly to a couple of girls.

I literally saw all the girls with drool down their cheeks, heck even Faye let out a sigh after that.

Being the schools player, I sometimes question if my title will ever be taken. Right now I couldn't be any more worried. This guy was really intimidating and I assumed he was a player from the smiles and winks he kept sending everywhere. The teacher sat him beside Ashley, lovely, what a great way to introduce a student to a new school, hand him over to the schools bimbo. I could hear Ashley giggle all period and I almost broke my pencil.

I really was worried about my place as school player and James seemed like the ideal guy to come and snatch it away.

I wasn't going to let that happen.

Not now, not ever.


This is the first chapter of my book, it's not the original chapter since I edited it and I enjoy this one much more. If you take the time to read until the latest uploaded chapter it gets better. This is very short but they get longer. If you see grammar mistakes point them out because I did not correct this. I'm uploading it from my phone since I have no computer and the other version of this chapter was pissing me off. Anyways, thank you so much If you continue reading, vote/fan/comment. Xox thank you

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