Chapter 4: Sophie's POV

Start from the beginning

"Hi? Is something wrong?" I asked him, trying to look and sound confused.

"Foster?" He asked. Biana slapped him slightly as all the color drained from my  face.

Shoot. Now I need an excuse.

"How do you know that name?" I snapped.

"See! I told you it was Sophie!" Keefe said, glaring at Biana.

"I'm not Sophie. How do you know the name Foster?" Chase glanced at me, as if to say Shut Up Sophie You'll Ruin Everything.

"It was Sophie's last name-"

"Oh, okay. Probably common than." I shrugged.

I transmitted to Chase, I forgot he used to call me that. Sorry, I needed an excuse.

Chase jumped slightly. "Holy shit, Kaydence, I forgot you could do that."

"Do what?" Dex asked.

"She's a telepath."

Linh and Biana made eye contact with their eyes wide.

What the hell, Chase? Now they're think that I'm me even more than the already do! I transmitted, glaring at Chase.

"Sorry, sorry." Chase mumbled.

"So, where did you come from?" Fitz asked.

"We just moved here from California."

"So, are you sisters or something?" Tam asked.

Me and Chase made eye contact, and started laughed just at the thought. It wasn't fake this time. When I finally pulled myself together I said, "Oh, I wish. We're just cousins."

We all made small talk when Biana said, "Do you guys want to come to the lake with us after school?"

"Um, we'd need to ask our Grandpa first, but yeah. Sure." Chase said.

"Great!" Biana said enthusiastically. The bell rang and I quickly got up and threw out my tray.

"Grandpa? Seriously?"

"What? I mean, Brennan would be old enough." (Yep, they staying with Brennan. Sorry I didn't say that earlier on)

I laughed and rolled my eyes, and waved goodbye and went to my next period.


"They're elves. They could be part of the Neverseen. It would give us time alone with them." Chase explained to Brennan.

"Just remember to call Mylah and Acer at 8."

At the lake, Biana took us to the dock, making small talk with Chase in the front and Keefe came over to me.

"Hi." I said.

"Sorry if I insulted you, you know, by accidentally calling you Foster."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Just bad memories." I lied. God, this was hard.

"Did you hear about the party this weekend?" Linh asked me.

"No. Why?"

"You should totally come with us. It'll be amazing!" Linh said with a smile.

"We'd have to ask. But, sure,if we're allowed too."

"TAM! WHAT THE HELL?" Biana squealed. I looked over to see her popped down in the water, Tam laughed.

"Sorry, sorry."

I snickered and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Max climbing a tree with one of his friends. He waved to me and I waved back, immediately blushing.

"Ooh." Linh cooed while Fitz glared at Max furiously.

"Kaydence! You come and try!" Max called over. I smiled and went over.

He helped me up onto the first branch because I was too short to reach, and then it was easy. Like climbing a ladder, I guess.

"Sorry for knocking you over." His friend said from a a few branches higher than me.

"Oh, it's no big deal. I'm Kaydence."

"Oh, yes, Max has told me all about you." I saw Max glared at him from behind me. "I'm Aiden. Nice to meet you."

I climbed up until I started to noticed how far up I was. My vision blurred slightly and I felt myself going pale.

"Woah, you good?" Max asked me.

I gulped. "Yeah, just a little higher than I thought it was."

"I can help you down, if you want."

"It's okay, I'll be fine-I should get back to my friends anyways. Thank you, though." I said with a smiled, climbing down from the tree.

As I walked back to the others, I couldn't help but smiling. I felt like I was waking on air. 

"So, you ditching me down?" Chase elbowed me with a smirk.


She laughed. "Chill, it's no big deal."

"Is he your boyfriend?" Keefe asked.

"What? No, no-we're just friends." I insisted.

"Didn't look like it." Fitz mumbled and Biana slapped him.

"We should probably head home, for dinner." Chase said, "Thanks for letting us come."

"You could come eat with us-we're going to order pizza." Dex said.

"Let me ask our Grandpa." Chase said, and I had to cover my laugh with a cough. It was still funny thinking of BRENNAN as our Grandpa. "Hi, Grandpa. Yeah, can we eat with our friends? Yeah, I know, call them at eight. Thanks. Bye!"

A/N: SUUUUPER long chapter. 1,260 words. Oh god.

I hope you are enjoying the story!

Have an amazing day!

-Hemispherical Turtle

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