My Family

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I reached home. I just kept aside my bag and took out my phone. As usual I scrolled through instagram and youtube.

'Riyaa..come and have your lunch'. Mom called out from the kitchen. I just kept aside my phone and move to the kitchen to have the lunch.

Oh..I didnt tell you all about my mom. I won't say that she is an indian typical house wife..She is the most strongest women I have ever seen in my life😍. I want to be like my Mom, who dont fear anyone in this world and have a courage to say anyone that what is right and what is wrong. But Im not like her anymore😔. Im just oppossite to her. I want to do many things in life, but what stops me is my fear😒. My weakness is that I can't say no to anyone. I am fear to say my opinion in any matters. I thank God to give me such a mother who motivates and supports throughout my life. I cant imagine a life without her. Yess, Im a mamma girl😁. I cant do even a single thing without asking her. Even I ask her which dress should i wear while im going out (apart from uniform😌). I'm that dependent on my mom. She always scolds me for this saying that why cant I do my things alone. But how will i say her that im not confident about myself😞.Thats the another disadvantage of mine. After all Im made up of many disadvantages😒😒. Fine leave it. Starting about mom, I ended up saying about me.

But my brother is just opposite to me. Ooh forget to tell about him. I have a younger brother Sam. He is studying in 7th. Not in my school as he didnt get seat there. He will come along with Dad. Dad has a working time till afternoon. Soon after his work he will pick Sam along with him, as his school is near to dad's office.

So what was I saying..yeah, about my brother. So as I said earlier he is just opposite to me. He is like our mother. After all who will be like me in this world😒, who is not good for nothing😒. Ok leave it. Then the next thing about Sam is he can understand my feeling and emotions very well. Eventhough he is younger than me, he understands me more than mom does. I dont know how🙄. He can makes me happy. I love him😍.

And next is about dad.. there is nothing much about dad. He is always busy with his work. He loves us and also we loves him a lot😍😍.

Well.. thats my family.😍

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