Plus two

218 3 0

Bell rang..the last period is over..its time to leave.

'Ridhaa come fast..why are you being always late..😡'

'Wait Riyaa..Im just pakcing my things..why are you so rush'

'Oh really idiot..u won't umderstand..because your father will reach here to pick you up..thats not my state..i have to go around the school ground to find my school bus among the 1000 school buses parked here🙄..that too in this hot climate below the scorching sun😓'

'Really are rush just because you cant walk around the ground 😉😉'
Ridha smirked..

'Yes.indeed😪'I just said it in a way

We both looked at each other..and suddenly we laughed together😂😂

Ridha knew that Im just rushing to get the window seat before the other students could reach and occupy it😂..after all she is my best friend😍😘

After ridha went to her father..I just walked alone around the ground to find my bus..actually not alone,there are thousands of students finding their bus.

Bus no 12..yess here is my bus..i found out.I just get in to it.As usual I got my window seat🤩.I know that its a little bit childishness, after all Im a plus two student😂.But what to do, I love window seat.

After some time..all buses starts to move to their respective place with the students..i just looked outside and sat alone..students started to talk each other in the bus.But i sat alone..because dont know why, i just love to sit alone and explore the city. Thats how I am.

The bus starts to move along the london city. Yes its London. Its been 2 years Im here. After my 10th class, my parents shifted here from Mumbai. After my 12th graduation, I will return back to my home country for higher education. Thats how I planned. Well thats only my plan. I have to discuss it with the parents. After all their decision matters. They will decide whether I have to study in Mumbai or continue in London🙂.

While exploring the city, I just lose into some thoughts. What has God planned for me. Will my parents let me to continue my higher studies in Mumbai. I hope so😒. 'Relax riya..why are you bothered about your future. You very well know that God has the bestest plan for relax' I just relaxed myself.

Thats the another thing about me..that most of the time I talk to myself..Because I feel very comfort while talking to myself..thats how I am🙂..yess my bestest friend is I.

Thats..for today

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