Chapter One: Boys And Their Toys

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"How do you teach a Psychopath to love?

Well, We first have to ask the question: can psychopaths feel for others? Do they care? Can they empathise and relate emotionally to other beings? Can they connect... On that intimate level?"

My university professor paced before the board holding the small projector remote in his hands.

I internally laughed at his notions.
What wasn't made with love couldn't be taught it.
That which wasn't raised with something stitched into their developmental period... Wasn't going to understand it.

My tutor reached his conclusion.
"So it is also understood that most people who suffer personality disorders do best within their own groups. They get on well with each other. Why is that?"

Someone chirped from the back.
"Those who recognise a similar belief, lifestyle or train of thought, tend to connect easier. That's how communities come to be."

My tutor smiled nodding at the person who answered.
"Great! Good answer, Josh."

I sighed as the class scrambled to exit, a few other familiar faces in the class nudged me, inviting me to various after-class events and parties.

It didn't really matter considering... I had my own to go to today.
The more important friends I had in class... Would probably mention it later.

As I rushed off down the stairs a soft hiss caught my attention. I chose to ignore it. It was probably Eva White again trying to extend some sort of friendship I wasn't interested in.

My friendships came with a purpose.

When I arrived home, it appeared his older brother Scarlet White was already sat in my study lounge tapping a pen frustratedly at a notebook.

I tutted, noting his expression "I'm not late."

Scarlet scowled up at me from where he sat "Aldwyn. Read the time and tell me if what you just said isn't bullshit. Now if you're gonna waste my time keep standing there."

I shrugged dropping my satchel down onto the floor. Marching over quietly I took a seat beside him.

He inhaled sharply as soon as I was seated "Now I've told you this before, You're running for Presidency...which is cool. Young people love a young progressive candidate. There's only one issue."

I played with a strand of my curly hair "Old, Selfish, Sexist, Racist, Ageist people."

Scarlet blinked at me hesitating a brief second "...Partially. Where are you meeting people like that?"

I scoffed aloud "Are you kidding me, have you met my father?"
Scarlet continued to survey me silently. 

"Yeah don't answer that." I rolled my eyes.

Scarlet glanced quickly down at his own documents taking another sharp breath " Oh please. You're having your birthday over at Quera. Tell me you're finally making connections."

I blinked up at him irritatedly.
"Oh please, I already know the most important people in the whole world. For what reasons would I need to connect to others at my age? Don't I already have everything I need to make a fantastic candidate!? "

Scarlet rolled his eyes at me, letting out a huff of disappointment.
I always hated when he rolled his eyes at me.

Eventually his eyes fell back on me smoothly. "Well. The Whites have always had your family's back... Your relationships there should be stronger than concrete. Eva's not much older than you too."

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