Chapter Forty One: Painstakingly

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I marched downstairs feeling irritated with strangers in my shared home but I had to make face.

I let them rest in my bed while my other brothers hung around the breakfast table.
Orrin never left the home, his bed or his phone.
Cain had amassed piles of food he had no intention of eating to completion.
Saphyr smirked at me on my arrival and jumped up to come see to me.
Alastor was fighting with the TV remote.

Saphyr laughed "You guys were so loud I swear you could have woken up the whole town."

I groaned "Fuck off I need medication."

Saphyr grinned "Wow. Haven't you recovered yet? You've completed three tasks. Your powers should be good by now. Recovery falls into that.."

I groaned "I dunno. I just know my head is banging."

Saphyr giggled grabbing my shoulders. "Sit down I'll get you something."
I took a seat at the table.
Amos was breathing heavily.

I raised a brow.
"When did you get in?"
He smirked leaning forward and licking his lips "wouldn't you like to know Winny."

I groaned "Tell me when you fuck Scarlets brains out. Something has got to work on that prick. "

Alastor chuckled "Huh! Would you look at that..."

I looked at the TV.

There was a riot. People were shouting about the abuse and lies Petermans had put them through.

They were all stationed outside his home with banners and speakerphones

I recognised people from Famous news houses. I recognised people from the law world.
Vlads fathers were attending alongside a few elites such as Blue Carter and Maddeus Santos who kept speaking of this image of a world they saw where toys were given better rights and protection. A world where they were seen as people and weren't treated poorly because of their status. Equally Lloyd's spokeswoman was there giving the angriest speech of her life at how disappointed she was at the government for failing the female population.

Saphyr laughed "Time to shine don't you think Aldwyn?"
I huffed, a tuft of my hair flying back from my face.

"Yeah...Hangovers over now ."

It might have been a bit much, but I gathered the boys and decided to do more stupid Image shit.
Driving down the street being really overly friendly with passerbys.

People stopped to take pictures with Amos, take pictures with me.. We just drove around like everyone's new best friend.
Saphyr burst out into a full laugh when he realised there was a dance called the Flip Flop. He watched as two teenage girls showed him how to perform it.
Amos immediately did the dance for us and Saphyr immediately shyed away, laughing into himself and curling up.
The girls pulled at him as I watched, amused.
Amos tried to get him to dance along but Saphyr was so rigid.

By the time Amos and Saphyr had practiced thrice they were practically in sync outside a few timing errors from Saphyr.
Orrin had began filming behind us.
I took more pictures and we continued on our way.

That is until I had a call from My receptionist.

Gabriel was unconscious in his room.
Apparently he'd had a seizure.
I called for another one of my cars and found myself on a seperate trip home while the others resumed image blasting.

When I did get home I was in utter shock. What the fuck was going on.
Gabriel was still out cold lying in bed.
The guards explained he'd had a random seizure last night after we'd returned and since then he'd been out.

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