Chapter Forty: Bartering Is For Wusses.

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On arrival I found myself seated in the main lounge for my dad.
Gabriel beside me seemed twitchy.
He tucked pale hair behind his ears and removed his glasses placing them down on the table.
When Naiden did walk in he looked tired.

But his eyes began widening on seeing the two other guests with me.

The two girls sat still, holding each others hands.

I noticed his eyes focusing in on them.
Seeing Gabriel though something about him changed... And he seemed to ease again.

I recognised some look of comfort in his eyes and I found myself sighing at ease..

He gripped himself tight and sat down on the opposing couch.
"Aldwyn... I thought you'd be too busy to spend time with your old man."

I couldn't help but smile amused "Not particularly. I let my work speak for itself. It allows me time to shower important people in my life with whatever they need."

There was a silence briefly.

Naiden shook his head.
"All these guests?"

I sat back in the chair.
"Well." I laughed under my breath.
"They're not guests as much as they're friends. I mean... Technically we're business partners."

Gabriel seemed to glance at me. I sensed a wave of irritation at me.

Naiden bit his lips "Any time you turn up here now... I don't know what to expect anymore."

I silently enjoyed the joke I had with myself.
I knew why I was here and he was already defensive.

"It's nothing hard Naiden. Ive come here to make your troubles easier. I only ask... That you give me my little brother so that I may educate him."

He immediately glowered at me.
The silence stretched as I felt fear on my left, disgust on my right and pure hatred sitting before me.

Naiden stammered for a moment between thoughts.
" You... Aldwyn! "

He inhaled sharply grabbing his head.
A laugh escaped him.
"Whatever could you need Michael for!? Aldwyn he's just... A kid.."
I shrugged "I'm about to put the Russworth name at the tips of everyone's tongues again and you don't think my little brother could use the mentorship?"
Naiden glanced at Gabriel before focusing on me.
"I can't. I'm sorry. No. Michael is special Aldwyn."

I shot up out of my seat getting furious. "And what the fuck am I!?"

Further back Rayus glowered at me suddenly wary of me.
Naiden was near tears as he equally stood up and tried to control his shakes.

"You can take whatever you want from the world Aldwyn... But in my house you are my son and that's it."

I laughed " Yeah. I can see that, You've really done well for the house of Russworth. I mean let's face it. My dads near dead cause of you. Let's not forget you birthed my brother... A thing you can't even protect. And you guys raised me to be a constant loser."

I took a step forward leaning into him.
" The respect I have now is because of no fucking Russworths elitist coat tails."

Naiden winced taking a step softly backward as Rayus took a step closer to us.

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