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By the next morning everyone seemed to know that Dumbledore had escaped from multiple adversaries. The story spreading quickly and getting more outlandish by the hour. Though the story was exciting Merlin knew it for what it was, a loss where no one was thinking about what Dumbeldore being gone meant. It meant Umbridge in control, the Ministry having the 'in' they needed, it meant a loss in their freedom and Merlin was afraid how far they would take it. He had seen too many tyrant kings claiming their birthright gave them the ability to do whatever they wanted no matter what it cost other people. Fudge's fear would be the death of them all and Merlin wasn't looking forward to having to pick up the pieces in the aftermath.

The only upside is that Merlin's spell had locked Umbridge out of the Headmaster's Office, the phoenix he had made all those years ago working as it should. He enjoyed scrying as she raged and ranted in front of the gargoyle, face turning a lovely shade of pruce that had Merlin and Aithusa cackling (the dragon more so than Merlin). It was the only entertainment Merlin could get now, watching behind a door, the only privacy he can have. He's under no delusions that his involvement in the matter doesn't mean he's not being watched, he is, they're not very good at looking inconspicuous in a school with very few adults and hundreds of children. Honestly, he's disappointed in the Aurors, they used to be much better at their job.

A knock sounded on the door and he huffed as he got off his bed, taking the time to make sure he had nothing that could be considered suspicious before he opened it. Once he was done he cracked the door to see Filch standing in the doorway, nosy feline loyalty by his feet.

"Can I help you?" Merlin asked, swinging the door the rest of the way open.

"Headmistress wants to see you," Filch announced, sneering at him as he stared at Merlin's muggle clothing he wears as it's more comfortable than most wizarding clothing what with them a few centuries behind them now.

"Did she say why?" Merlin couldn't help but snark, the silent judging grating on his admittedly already frayed nerves. It only got the squib's sneer to deepen, turning sharply and waiting at the end of the hall presumably for Merlin to follow. Once he caught up to the man and his cat he led the way through the halls.

"Things are changing around here, Professor," Filch grinned maniacally, startling Merlin from his own rushing thoughts.

"I've noticed. Tell me Argus why do you delight in others suffering so much?" Merlin asked, properly mystified by the man's love of shackles and torture. The caretaker stuttered, blinking before going back to his default expression of a sneer.

"None of 're business," he snapped, keeping quite the rest of the walk. Honestly, Merlin was thankful, his head was pounding and he needed all of his wits going into the lion's den, he didn't need Filch making it worse with his voice.

Umbridge had made her office in the side chamber from the Great Hall, a gold plaque hung on the door reading: "Headmistress". Merlin delighted in the little victory of making her work in one of the smaller crapped chambers since she couldn't get into the actual office. Filch knocked on the door and promptly opened it, seemingly smiling at Umbridge, it made Merlin want to gag as Filch was obviously in love with her. The thought was unsettling as he imagined on the off chance that Umbridge reciprocated those feelings, he wished his brain wasn't so imaginative. Mentally scrubbing his mind he noticed the brooms locked on the wall behind the toad's desk (though she reminded Merlin of the orc's from a book trilogy he enjoyed), most likely Harry's and the twins.

"The Professor for you, ma'am," Filch announced. Merlin watched as Umbridge smiled sweetly saying her thanks but he could see the disgust thinly veiled in her eyes as she dismissed him. Filch gave a bow in her direction and Merlin could see the twitch in her eye as she struggled to maintain the sweet expression.

Professor Merlin EmrysKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat